The conditions for factory workers has long been a concern for people looking to produce their promotional products. Previously the working conditions in China have received bad press. This may have put people off producing their personalised promotional products here in China. In recent years, however, the government have brought in steps to improve the working conditions in China. We recently visited 2 factories in order to conduct factory audits for one of our clients. This is what we found.

Making Products In China

Making Products In China

Both of the factories we visited were clean and tidy. There was also adequate airflow and they were not too hot. The workers have their own fans to keep themselves cool as well. The conditions also appeared to be very safe. There was a vast amount of protective equipment being used in order to keep the workers safe. Both also presented safety inspection records.

Not only are the working conditions improving in China, but there are various other benefits to producing your branded promotional products in China. Read all about them in this blog:

In order to ensure that factories have safe working conditions and will produce our clients products to the highest standards, we can conduct factory audits.

Making Products In China

Making Products In China

Checks Carried Out During A Factory Audit

During a factory audit we ensure to check a wide variety of measures. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Number of Quality control (QC) employees
  • Availability of documents, photographs, samples and assembly instructions for QC employees
  • Whether test and measuring equipment is calibrated
  • Storage conditions
  • Safety certifications
  • Safety inspection records
  • Internal audit records
  • Customer complaint records

Plus, many more. We know all products are different, so we also carry out any checks that the client specifically asks for. All of this is to ensure that the products will be produced to the required standard, and in a manner that is safe for the factories workers.


Making Products In China

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch with ODM today, and let’s create something amazing together. We can manage every step of the production process for you, and you can treat us as your ‘de facto’ office in China. We offer factory audits that provide an extensive check into the quality and safety of your products. This will offer you reassurance and peace of mind. We also have a skilled team of product designers that can work alongside you to produce any product you require.

More Information

Learn about a gold standard disney factory audit in this blog:

Here is another factory visit the team carried out. To a leather factory in Vietnam!

This blog explains how to gain the most insight during a factory visit. Check it out!

This blog offers another take on factory auditing. The Sedex 4 pillar review.