Major Department stores draw more and more Filipinos looking for cutting edge design for clothes and accessories. From denim pants to shorts, and tees to dresses; People are sure to find an array of fashionable goods from different companies. In a store that’s filled with brands competing against each other, how possible is it to dominate the retail space? Simple.   Make use of an in store POS display for clothing lines.

In store POS Display for Clothing lines by Petrol in Philippines

In store POS Display for Clothing lines by Petrol in Philippines

Having an in store POS display for clothing lines helps your brand stand out.  Stores are swarming with hungry consumers but there is fierce competitors. Displays ensure people will be able to find their way to your favored brand, not having to go around and look for them.

In store POS Display for Clothing lines by Petrol in Philippines

In store POS Display for Clothing lines by Petrol in Philippines

Creating your own POS display don’t need to be expensive or complicated. It can be as creative and resourceful as brand Petrol did. Using old and rusted oil tanks, painted over, they are able to create realistic props that look rugged; which goes well with the team of this clothing line. In addition to this creative aesthetics, they’ve also included a signage to ensure that the brand is prominent. They’ve also chosen to substitute lumbers to a more lasting material, then covered it with linoleum to mimic the appearance of wood. Although woodworks are considered sturdy, using alternative materials, like plastic, makes for a light-weight signage that’s less likely to degrade over time. Thus, making it a practical decision. Creating an in-door display isn’t limited to this strategy. You’re able to mix and match ideas to come up with a beautiful and innovative design.

In store POS Display for Clothing lines by Petrol in Philippines

In store POS Display for Clothing lines by Petrol in Philippines

With all that said, having your own in store POS display for clothing lines is a must-have, to ensure that companies are able to sell their stocks by finding a way to keep customers coming to choose their products instead of those from the other brands.


Why we love the in store POS display for clothing lines?

There are several things to love about having an in store POS display for clothing lines: It allows companies to be creative with their promotion, and it helps them market their products better. Furthermore, it provides businesses the chance to maximize their store space by designing it. One more thing that’s great about the in store POS display are the benefits that it entails, these are:


  • Design appeal. It can complement your product by coming up with a design to match your product’s design concept.
  • Enhances brand visibility. Adding decorations that don’t obstruct the view makes the easily distinguishable to any shoppers.
  • Attract customers. Being able to catch the customers’ attention improves the change for them to buy your product once they find your products worth buying.


Truly, it is a great idea to accompany your shelves with an in store POS display in a place where brands continue to face the challenge others. To make sure your products perform well by outselling rival brands in retail shops and in brick and mortar brick and mortar stores, be sure to have an in store POS display for clothing lines ready at your disposal. What to have one of your own? Just let us know and our team will help you and even give you a quote.


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