Custom plush toys and mascots

Fresh Fun Emoji Merchandise Ideas From Brand Licensing Europe

Emojis have taken the world by storm – now they’re virtually everywhere! In the beginning, they’ve only been used as a means of communication. Today, they have become an integral part of pop culture. Scan your house, office, school, and you’ll easily find the emoji merchandise such as cellphone accessories, shirts, collectible items, and movie merchandise. And with the release of animated emojis on iPhone X (Animoji) and the recent The Emoji Movie, we expect even bigger boom on the merchandise.

Emoji Merchandise

Emoji themed merchandise are among the products that stood out during Brand Licensing Europe 2017 trade show. There were pillows, plushieslunch box, and even giveaway toys. Here, we’ll review some of the emoji items we found from this season’s trade show.

Emoji Merchandise Ideas From Brand Licensing Europe

  • Emoji Household Items: Useful household items are ideal tools to get your brand into your customer’s homes. We found pillows, water bottle, and lunch box from the trade show. They have nice designs and look fun to use. The laughing-crying emoji pillow is eye-catching and its popularity can help in brand recognition. It’s the last thing your customers will see when they sleep, and the first thing that will remind them of your brand when they wake up. Water bottle and lunch box are great for school and office. Hence, it allows wider audience reach.

emoji merchandise

  • Smiley Badges: Small, colorful, and recognizable, smiley badges  are ideal trade show giveaways. You can also use them for street marketing and outdoor promotions. Commuters, especially students, will love it. It’s effective because emojis are popular nowadays and your brand can greatly benefit from it. Furthermore, they’re cost-effective and easy to produce.
  • Emoji Movie Merchandise: The Emoji Movie is a 2017 3D-animated film that captured the imagination of the young and young at heart. Emoji-themed merchandise has helped promote the movie not only in Europe, but in other parts of the world as well. Cuddly plushies, beautiful figurines, bags and shirts helped in brand retention because customers can keep them at home for years. Sony Picture’s window display showcased the items in a pleasing manner that’s why each product looks visually enticing.

emoji merchandise

  • Giveaway Toys: The official brand gave away free emoji toys to booth visitors. These toys have suction pads at the bottom so they can stand on its own- great for study/office tables and shelves. Plastic packaging adds surprise factor as kids won’t know what’s inside. It’s a smart marketing tactic since promotional toys are tangible remembrance from their brand.

emoji merchandise

Why Use Emoji Merchandise for Marketing

emoji merchandise

Emoji merchandise will never lose its charm and fun factor. This items have distinct mass appeal that transcends age, gender, and race. They’re iconic and easily recognizable. They represent everything people feel, making them an effective vehicle to get your message across to a wider audience.

If you like these fun emoji merchandise for your business, feel free to contact ODM. Together with the Mindsparkz team, we will design and manufacture cool promo items that suit your business needs. Our team of creative designers and product manufacturers are always ready to take your business to new heights.

For more emoji merchandise inspiration, check out these blogs: