Promotional Products

Look! Festive Free Standing Store Display To Boost Sales

We chanced upon this cute free standing store display by Wrigley’s at a UK store. The cute mini Santa hats were an interesting addition to the display as they made the whole set up perfect for the Holiday season. Here’s what we love about their free standing display unit.

Free Standing Store Display

We certainly like the way Wrigley’s decorated the bottles of gums as it spreads festive vibes. It kind of reminds us of Innocent Big Knits Woolly Hats’ promotions- where a percentage of the sales goes to Age UK, a charity organization dedicated to helping the aging people of UK.  Read the whole article here:


And the red beams look Christmassy, as if inviting customers to grab one of their products to keep their breath fresh all throughout the holiday season. Furthermore, the large signage with their selling price printed on it leads customers to their shelf.

If you’re considering using a free standing store display, here are the benefits you’ll reap.

Why a free standing store display?

  • Visibility: A store display stand would be great for your company because of its prominence. In this case, the display is located at the end of the aisle, which makes it even more visible to customers as they walk past.
  • Exclusivity: These displays also work perfectly because it is solely dedicated to Wrigleys’ products. With a custom display stand, your company will be able to market your products, and only your products, on the display. This helps to bring attention towards your products and divert attention away from your competitors.
  • Versatility: Such custom POP displays are also very versatile, as they can be customized to suit many different brands and occasions. In this case, Wrigley’s has made their display Christmas-themed, with the red coloured scheme, in celebration of Christmas. Moreover, the materials make it possible to be placed outside the store for outdoor advertising.
  • Cost: The use of a premium display is very cost-effective. The materials are fairly inexpensive and are easy to source. Depending on your marketing budget, you can have a more bespoke display for your brand. Here’s a good example of a bespoke pos displays that can be used all year round:


The benefits of using a free standing store display definitely far outweighs the cost of manufacturing and set up since you can use it for many years. And customizing can give your brand extra boost as it makes the whole presentation more visually appealing, which is why it’s crucial to work with a professional POS display manufacturer. So if you’re ready to reap all the benefits of using a free standing display, contact ODM today!


Free Standing Store Display

Furthermore, such displays can be used hand-in-hand with various different promotional tools to further attract customers to your brand, such as in pack offers, on pack offers, and complimentary gift with purchase!


If you are using a free standing store display in your marketing project, here are tips to further improve the effectiveness of the display.

One way to make yours different would be including a LED function in the display. Having a LED POS Display would certainly help to further improve the effectiveness of the unit. This is because the LED function would help to improve brand visibility. That way, customers would notice the shelf once they enter the store and thus head over to check out the products.

Is your company interested in a premium display stand? If so, feel free to contact us today!

We specialize in design, manufacturing, and shipping of promotional products ad marketing gifts! With us, you can ensure an easy and fast process for your company!


Here are some other interesting blogs about POS and POP displays for you to read!

A great holiday POS display by Ferrero! See why this strategy works.


Want a display that instantly commands attention? Here’s one by Nescafe that certainly does so!


A great outdoor display by Cartier- colorful and festive ferris wheel that also works as a decorative display outside of their store.