Manufacturing in China

LED vs Neon Signs – Which One Should You Choose?

Neon signs have been around for decades and are a great way to market products. As technology has developed, many factories have switched from manufacturing traditional fluorescent tubes to LEDs. But between LED vs. neon signs, which is better for your business? And how would you know? We’re tackling all of that today and more!

Understanding LED Signs

First, let’s understand LED signs. They utilize Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) as the primary light source to create a vibrant and eye-catching display. LEDs are semiconductor devices that emit light when an electric current passes through them. In LED signs, these diodes are arranged in an array, forming pixels to create various shapes, colours, and patterns.


  • Cost-Effective

    LED technology is highly energy-efficient, consuming less power compared to traditional lighting options like neon signs. This translates to lower electricity bills and reduced operational costs over time.

  • Cost-Effective

    LED technology is highly energy-efficient, consuming less power compared to traditional lighting options like neon signs. This translates to lower electricity bills and reduced operational costs over time.


  • Higher Purchase Cost

    LED signs may require a higher initial investment compared to traditional signage options like neon signs. This is due to the advanced technology, manufacturing processes, and materials used in production.

  • Challenging to Repair

    Repairing LED signs can be more complex compared to other signage options. Individual diodes or modules may need professional diagnosis and replacement, potentially leading to longer downtimes.

Neon Signs: What Are They?

On the other hand, neon signs are a classic form of signage that utilize luminous gas-filled tubes to create a visually striking display. The term “neon” is often used generically to refer to all types of gas-filled signs, although gases like argon, helium, and xenon are commonly used as well. When an electric current is applied to the gas-filled tubes, the gas emits coloured light, resulting in the distinctive glow associated with neon signs.


  • Nostalgic Appeal

    The vibrant colours and soft glow emitted by neon signs have a timeless appeal, evoking a sense of nostalgia and attracting attention. They add a touch of vintage charm and create memorable visual impact.

  • High Visibility

    Neon signs are known for their brightness and high visibility, even from a distance. Their luminous glow makes them stand out in various lighting conditions, capturing the attention of passersby and potential customers from afar.


  • High Energy Consumption

    Neon signs consume more electricity compared to LED signs due to the nature of gas illumination. This can result in higher operational costs and increased energy consumption over time.

  • Limited Design Options

    Neon signs are typically constructed using bent glass tubes, which limits the design possibilities compared to the flexibility offered by LED signs. Achieving intricate shapes and complex designs with neon can be challenging and time-consuming.

LED vs. Neon Signs: What to Consider?

  • Cost Considerations

When it comes to the investment that your custom sign will require you to, you must take into consideration the amount of time you will the sign. LED signs cost higher upfront but will be useful for a long time while neon signs can be more affordable but are only suitable for short promotions.

  • Customization Options

LED signs offer immense high customizability, allowing for a wide array of shapes, sizes, and colours. Neon signs, on the other hand, are limited in terms of design possibilities due to their tubular structure.

However, this will still depend on the brand you’re building for your customers since LED lights can produce a wide range of designs but neon lights bring a timeless appeal with them.

  • Visibility

To decide which offer you better brand visibility, you must consider the primary purpose of your signage. LED signs with their vibrant colours and dynamic displays can grab attention effectively, especially in high-traffic areas. Neon signs, with their retro charm, can evoke nostalgia and stand out in certain contexts.

  • Durability

When it comes to durability, both signs are durable in their own right and you can decide based on their lifespan and maintenance requirements.

LED signs typically have longer lifespans compared to neon signs. LED modules can last for tens of thousands of hours before needing replacement, while neon signs may require tube replacements after a certain period.

With that in mind, a neon signs can be easier to repair since they’re regularly taken care of compared to LED signs that you might have to require the help of a professional.

Check out related display ideas for your business here:

Made from acrylic, iron and metal, these LED glorifiers are guaranteed to be durable and suitable for long promotions. Moreover, they can be customised according to your product!

If you decide to choose neon signs for your business, we prepared a blog for you below to ensure you’ll get the best out of them!

For more ideas for your neon signs, check out the blog below featuring design ideas we spotted at a trade fair along with the benefits you can enjoy if you used them as POS display!

LED lights are so prevalent that they can be seen at every turn. Here’s an example of a promotional display utilising LED lights that you might want to use for your promotion!

LED vs. Neon Signs FAQs

All you need to know about LED vs Neon Signs!

Are LED signs more energy-efficient than neon signs?

Yes, LED signs are more energy-efficient compared to neon signs. LED technology consumes less power, resulting in lower electricity bills and reduced operational costs for businesses.

Can neon signs offer more customization options than LED signs?

LED signs provide greater flexibility in design and customization compared to neon signs. LED technology allows for a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes, enabling businesses to create highly personalized and visually appealing signage.

Which type of sign is more suitable for outdoor use?

Both LED and neon signs can be used outdoors. However, LED signs tend to be more durable and resistant to weather conditions which makes them a more popular choice for outdoor displays.

Which is more expensive to purchase and maintain?

LED signs generally have higher initial costs compared to neon signs. However, LED signs offer long-term cost savings compared to neon signs that may require gas refills and tube replacements.

In conclusion,

When deciding between LED and neon signs for business signage, it is important to consider factors such as energy efficiency, design versatility, visibility, and durability in order to make an informed decision that aligns with the specific needs and goals of your business.

At ODM, we specialize in manufacturing custom promotional products. We have decades of experience in the marketing industry and have worked with major clients such as Coca-Cola, Sapporo, BBC, and Konami. 

We also have a creative team, Mindsparkz, to work with you closely from product brainstorming to production! Feel free to contact us if you are interested in one of our products or services.