Promotional Products

3 Simple Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Merchandising Retail Display

The alcohol industry is extremely competitive. It can be difficult to be noticed especially inside shopping stores where hundreds of other similar products are being sold. Thus, it is important to constantly update your merchandising retail display to keep them fresh in the eyes of customers.

Remy Martin‘s display is one good example of an effective and high quality merchandising display. It’s aesthetically pleasing and engaging.  Their Louis XIII bottle is encased in a glass case that is made specifically for this item. As you can see, Louis XIII is written on the lower part of the POS display.

Retail Merchandising Display

Retail Merchandising Display by Remy Martin: What Stood Out?

  • Ingenious Design: What really caught out eye is the cutout that looked as if an enlarged shadow of the actual product. The customized design is hard to miss. The light at the exact cut highlights the product in a way that made the product look high end and expensive. They decided to go with this design as a tribute to the original decanter used 142 years ago. Even the design of the bottle reflects the design of the first decanter. And if you look closely at the cutout, you’ll see that it is textured as if it was woven. This reflects their packaging and the wicker baskets which were used to deliver the original Louis XIII bottles.

Retail Merchandising Display

  • Lighting: We love how they made sure that the contour of the cutout is well-illuminated. Passersby will certainly be pulled in to the display. The lights also allowed their message to stand out.
  • Materials: Glass and wood are definitely the best materials for their merchandise display. Wood is durable and classy while glass reflects light nicely, adding a glamorous shine to the product.
  • Brand Positioning: Remy Martin’s Point of sale marketing is on point. Their merchandising POS display is conveniently located along the aisle. Thus, customers from either side of the aisle will have easy access to their display.

Retail Merchandising Display


If you are looking to make a good first impression, then having a retail merchandising display customized for your company is great way to start. The goal of using a POS or POP display is to differentiate your products from a sea of similar products. So here are tips to get the most out of your store displays.


How to Get the Most Out of Your Merchandising Retail Display

Innovate: If you look around shopping malls, you’ll find a host of generic displays that customers do not bother to look at. You don’t want to be “one of those” brands. With that said, try to come up with exciting designs that will turn heads. It might also help to change your display every month or so. Keeping your visual merchandising fresh may help you gain a lot of visitors. This also sends the message that you care about your brand image. Customers may see you as a reliable brand that cares a lot about the product they provide their customers. Here’s an excellent example from Ballantine. Through their props, they were able to appeal to their customers in an emotional level:


Find a Design that Reflects Your Current Promotion: You can draw inspiration from festivities, observance days, or your own brand message. Taking advantage of festivities allows your products to stay relevant, and this may help you to gain diverse range of customers. As wines and spirits are normally part of any celebration, it only makes sense to create a custom retail display to go with the event. Check out Royal Salute’s FSDU! The brand is currently promoting their Beach Polo Edition whiskey as part of their annual Polo celebration.


Make it Engaging: Adding video displays or posters and counter displays can also help you maximize your point of sale marketing. Visual aids can help you explain some crucial information about your products. This will make your customers more eager to take a look at your display, which makes them more likely to gain first-hand experience with your product. Here’s one of the best interactive display we have seen thus far. Read on to learn why we love this idea:


Contact ODM

Keen to customize your own retail merchandising display? Contact The ODM Group so we can get started with your project right away!

For more marketing inspiration, browse through these blogs!


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