7 Ways to Spark Brand Engagement with Custom Scented Candles

Imagine a world where your brand isn’t just seen or heard but also experienced in a delightful symphony of scents. Case in point, custom scented candles are what you need. These ideas have the power to ignite customers, evoke emotions and enhance brand engagement in a truly enchanting way.

Let’s talk about these creative promotional products more and discuss how they can help create a strong connection between your brand and your customers. Likewise, let’s also give you more candle ideas you can use to market your business in a subtle yet impactful way.

Custom Scented Candles

Trivia: Scented candles have a rich history dating back to ancient civilizations, where they were used in religious ceremonies and made from beeswax infused with aromatic substances.

Over time, scented candles became more accessible, evolving with advancements such as the Industrial Revolution and modern innovations, offering a wide range of fragrances and applications in our lives today.

Scented Candle Ideas for Your Next Marketing Campaign

We spotted these custom scented candles our team has attended recently. Let’s explore a myriad of creative and impactful candle ideas that will ignite your brand, engage customers, and leave a lasting impression.

Custom Scented Candles

Let’s take a look at this first candle design.

The item is decorated with coloured stones, which makes it more attractive.

Moreover, it is available in fresh spring, amber ebony, ginger and orange scents.

We definitely love the sustainable design of these two candle ideas.

The first candle is moulded on a dried coconut husk.

Meanwhile, the second candle is melted and shaped in a coconut shell.

Custom Scented Candles

This brick-like scented candle design emits a celestial appeal.

Comes in white colour, this makes a perfect addition to every home and office setting.

The brass plate also adds a different character on this candle idea.

This fancy custom scented candle is also one of our favourites.

Unlike wax candles, this one comes in a jelly-like texture.

It also comes in different colours and is accentuated with stones at the bottom of the glass.

Custom Scented Candles
Custom Scented Candles

This black ceramic scented candle exudes elegant vibes.

Minimalist, this makes a perfect addition for settings with minimalistic design and interior.

7 Ways to Spark Brand Engagement with Custom Scented Candles

Scented candles can be a powerful tool in marketing, as they engage multiple senses and evoke emotions. Here are some effective ideas on how to use them in your marketing strategy:

1. Product Launch Events

When launching a new product or service, create a memorable experience for attendees by incorporating custom-made scented candles that match the theme or concept of the offering.

For example, if introducing a line of tropical-inspired clothing, use candles with scents like coconut, pineapple, or mango to transport attendees to a beach paradise. Likewise, you can use them in your wellness spa to make your clients more relaxed while staying at your place.

2. Retail Store Enhancements

If you own a retail store, strategically place scented candles throughout the space to create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere. Match the scents to your brand identity or the products you sell. For instance, a high-end boutique might use candles with sophisticated fragrances like lavender, vanilla, or sandalwood.

3. Seasonal Promotions

Tailor your scented candles to match the seasons and holidays. During the winter holiday, offer candles with scents like cinnamon, pine, or apple pie, which evoke a cosy and festive ambience.

Similarly, in the spring, opt for fresh floral scents like jasmine, rose, or lavender to create a calming and rejuvenating atmosphere. Simply doing this in your business make your brand relevant to any season.

4. Trade Shows and Exhibitions

Stand out at trade shows and exhibitions by using scented candles strategically at your booth. Select scents that complement your product or service, enticing visitors to linger longer and engage with your offerings.

Additionally, the pleasant aroma can help create a memorable impression of your brand. Not just simple product displays, you may also consider giving away custom scented candles to your potential clients.

5. Customer Loyalty Programs

Reward loyal customers by offering scented candles as part of your loyalty program. Send scented candles as custom promo gifts to your customers. Choose scents that match their preferences or purchase history. This thoughtful gesture not only shows appreciation but also creates a lasting impression of your brand.

Moreover, you may also consider using scented candles as a gift with purchase ideas and customer incentives. 

6. Corporate Gifting

Consider using scented candles as corporate gifts for clients, partners, or employees. Customized candles with your company logo or a personalized message can make a memorable and thoughtful gift.

Choose scents that are universally appealing or offer a range of options to cater to individual preferences. This adds a touch of exclusivity and reinforces your brand presence.

7. Social Media and Influencer Campaigns

Partner with influencers who have a strong presence in the lifestyle, home decor, or wellness space. Encourage them to create content featuring your scented candles, sharing their personal experiences and how the scents enhance their daily lives.

How Scented Candles are Made: A Quick Guide

Custom scented candles are produced through a detailed process that combines the art of candle-making with the science of fragrance creation. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how they are typically made:

1. Gathering Materials: The first step is to gather all the necessary materials and equipment. This includes wax (paraffin, soy, or beeswax), candle wicks, fragrance oils, colour dyes, containers, and additional additives or embellishments.

2. Wax Melting: The chosen wax is melted using a double boiler or a specialized wax melter. This process ensures the wax is heated evenly and prevents direct contact with the heat source, reducing the risk of overheating or fire.

3. Adding Colour: If coloured candles are desired, dyes or pigments are mixed into the melted wax. The amount of dye added depends on the desired intensity of the colour.

4. Fragrance Blending: Fragrance oils specifically formulated for candle making are added to the melted wax. The fragrance oils can be a single scent or a blend of multiple oils, carefully measured to achieve the desired fragrance strength.

5. Preparing the Container: The candle containers are prepared while the wax is melting. This involves cleaning the containers to ensure they are free from dust or debris. Additionally, wick tabs or adhesive are attached to the bottom of the containers to secure the wicks.

6. Wick Placement: The wicks are then carefully placed in the centre of each container. Wick-centring devices or hot glue may be used to ensure the wicks stay in place during the pouring process.

7. Pouring the Wax: Once the fragrance and colour are fully incorporated into the melted wax, the mixture is carefully poured into the prepared containers. Care is taken to avoid air bubbles and ensure the wicks remain centred.

8. Cooling and Setting: The candles are left undisturbed to cool and set. As the wax cools, it solidifies and takes the shape of the container. This process may take several hours, depending on the size of the candle and the ambient temperature.

9. Finishing Touches: After the candles have completely cooled and hardened, any excess wick length is trimmed to the desired size. Labels, tags, or other decorative elements may be added to enhance the aesthetics of the finished candles.

10. Quality Control: Manufacturers conduct quality control checks before packaging the candles for sale. This includes inspecting each candle for defects, ensuring proper fragrance strength, and verifying that the wicks are properly centred and trimmed.

More Candle Ideas from ODM:

Discover which candle design suits your brand and learn why branded candles and fragrance diffusers are excellent promotional products.

These candles look authentic candles but are much safer to use and are fairly inexpensive. However, they are more than just decorative pieces. They actually provide lots of marketing benefits.

Unlike the usual candles we see in the market, these ideas are incredibly unique and modern, making them perfect for different marketing campaigns.

This digital numeral candle and musical cake server knife are both modern products that will bring the fun factor to a party.

Not just perfect decoratives, these scented candles also work as mosquito repellants. Check out these ideas below.

See how other brands utilise candles in marketing:

YSL surprised shoppers with its custom GWP idea. Simply spend 3 000 rubles or above buying goods at the store of Ile-de-Beaute and get an exclusive aroma candle as a complimentary gift.

These candles from Omnipub are not really magical! But the way it works is unique. To switch it on/off, you have to touch the ‘candle’ or blow at it! Interesting.

El Pozo’s gift box’s sleek design gives it a classic yet classy feel. In contrast, the colours of the candles bring forth a form of vibrancy to the set. All these factors increase the perceived value of the product

Final Thoughts,

Using custom scented candles in marketing offers a unique and effective way to engage customers’ senses, create memorable experiences, and build a stronger connection between your brand and your target audience.

Remember, when using scented candles in marketing, ensure the fragrances align with your brand image and target audience. Always prioritize high-quality candles to provide a positive experience, and consider any potential sensitivities or allergies when selecting scents.

Harnessing Our Creativity

Do you plan to add these custom scented candles in your next marketing? If so, ODM is here to assist you. We can help you design and manufacture the candle designs you need. Send us an email using the product code: ODM-4352 to get a detailed quote.

With our versatile approach, we are the ideal partner for international brands seeking close project management. While we have established a strong regional presence in Asia, ODM has continually expanded in both scale and service offerings throughout the years.

Feel free to connect with us for any of your marketing needs. We’re here to help your business blast off!


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