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Go Green with Molded Paper Pulp Packaging!

Going green is all the rage these days. People want to be more environmentally conscious and businesses are trying to find ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Be economically and environmentally friendly with these molded paper pulp packaging. Scroll down to see the reasons why and how to start!

Plastic usage has been one of the world’s problems for the longest time. It has caused many environmental concerns today, which the government and experts are still trying to solve.

As responsible entrepreneurs, we must be part of the solution. We must always take into consideration how we can help make this world a safer place for our future. As early as now, start ditching plastic and go green!

Why Switch to Molded Paper Pulp Packaging from Plastics?

According to a recent study and statistics by Environmental Protection Agency EPA, plastics generation was increased to 35.7 million tons in the United States, which was 12.2 per cent of MSW generation in 2018.

This category includes bags, sacks, and wraps; another packaging; polyethene terephthalate (PET) bottles and jars; high-density polyethene (HDPE) natural bottles; and other containers.

Manufacturers also use plastic in durable goods, such as appliances, furniture, casings of lead-acid batteries, and other products. EPA does not include plastics in transportation products, other than lead-acid batteries, in this analysis.

Switch to Molded Paper Pulp Packaging

Molded paper pulp packaging, also known as moulded fiber, actually started in 1930. The introduction of plastic packaging in the 1970s declined its usage.

But with what plastic consumption has brought us, manufacturers are now switching to the improved molding technologies for a more sustainable living.

How to Be Part of the Change?

Here’s an eco-friendly packaging idea we would like you to consider – molded paper pulp packaging. We primarily featured two styles to choose from: a recyclable paper tray with no lid and a paper packaging with a lid but we are now adding another option to the list!

1. Recyclable Paper Tray with No Lid

This molded fiber is made from carton paper and is 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly.

It can also be flexible in size and be made in customized shapes depending on the product.

With this custom eco-friendly product, you can keep the fruits in place and protect them from bruising. Product code: ODM-3524.

2. Paper Packaging with Lid

This customizable packaging is also made of carton paper and is recyclable and environmentally beneficial.

It’s also perfect for food deliveries and takeouts or as packaging for food.

Made from a 100% biodegradable material, the packaging can be easier to dispose of.

Do you see any benefits to your business? Then, contact our team and cite product code ODM-3523.

3. Pulp Box Packaging

Pulp boxes are made from recycled paper, making them an eco-friendly and sustainable choice for packaging.

They are an excellent alternative to plastic, foam and other types of packaging that use non-renewable resources.

This makes them a great option for businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact while also saving money by cutting back on single-use plastics. Product code: ODM-4003.

Benefits of Switching to Molded Paper Pulp Packaging

  • Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

    Consumers now switch to what is really sustainable. Even they are also tired of the tons of garbage. People would love, appreciate and support eco-friendly packaging products.

  • Low Cost Per Use (CPU)

    The cost of paper packaging is actually cheaper than plastic packaging in the long run. Based on statistics, a plastic grocery bag costs one cent, while a paper bag costs 4 to 5 cents per bag to manufacture. Although there are plastic bags that are compostable, the price can increase by around 8 to 10 cents – costly, right?

  • More Sales

    Lower CPU also means having more sales. Green packaging is not only beneficial to the environment but to your business as well.

Sustainable packaging is becoming increasingly important for businesses in today’s environmentally conscious society. Check out our latest sustainable packaging concept. 

How Can ODM Help With Your Green Marketing?

For the past decades, ODM has been a partner for a more sustainable living by helping business owners, retailers, and, manufacturers come up with unique, and customizable eco-friendly packaging ideas such as this moulded paper pulp packaging.

From eco-friendly corporate giftseco-friendly promotional bags, and more! Mindsparkz is also here to create an eco-friendly packaging design for you! Do you want to be part of the change? Join us today. Contact ODM now!

Learn more about ODM’s commitment to do our part and lead the change towards sustainable marketing.

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