Top 5 Benefits of Using Custom Point of Sale Display in Marketing

In the bustling world of retail, standing out from the competition and captivating customers’ attention is essential. Enter the Point of Sale (POS) display, a powerful marketing tool that can make a significant impact on sales and brand visibility. Recently, we stumbled upon an impressive POS display design at an Ireland Duty-Free Shop.

Dressed in an eye-catching shade of green and featuring the words “Souvenir Memories of Ireland,” this display serves as a prime example of how effective POS systems can be in guiding customers towards their desired purchases.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of using a Point-of-Sale display and provide valuable suggestions on how to leverage its potential in marketing strategies.


Benefits of Point of Sale Display

1. Enhanced Product Visibility

One of the primary advantages of utilizing a Point-of-Sale display is its ability to showcase products effectively. Placed strategically at the checkout counter or other prominent locations, the POS display grabs customers’ attention and creates a visual impact that is hard to ignore.

By prominently featuring the text “Souvenir Memories of Ireland” in the Ireland Duty-Free Shop example, it immediately captures the interest of tourists, making it easier for them to locate the desired souvenirs. Such displays allow retailers to highlight specific products, promotions, or seasonal offerings, increasing the likelihood of purchase.

2. Increased Impulse Purchases

POS displays are experts at influencing customers’ buying decisions, leading to increased impulse purchases. By presenting attractive merchandise or limited-time offers at the checkout point, retailers can tap into customers’ desire for immediate gratification.

The Souvenir Memories of Ireland display, for instance, offers tourists a last-minute opportunity to take home a piece of Ireland before leaving the country. By leveraging the power of impulse buying, businesses can boost their sales and encourage customers to explore additional products they may have overlooked.

3. Reinforcing Brand Identity

A well-designed POS display unit not only enhances product visibility but also reinforces a brand’s identity. In the case of the Ireland Duty-Free Shop, the green-coloured display and the accompanying text instantly evoke the essence of Ireland.

By creating a visual connection to the country’s heritage, the POS display cultivates a sense of authenticity and nostalgia, making the purchase even more meaningful for tourists. When crafting your own POS displays, it is essential to align the design, colours, and messaging with your brand identity, creating a seamless experience for customers and reinforcing brand recognition.

4. Targeted Marketing Opportunities

Point-of-Sale displays present an excellent opportunity for targeted marketing campaigns. With the ability to position specific products in front of a highly receptive audience, businesses can tailor their messages to meet customers’ immediate needs and desires.

For example, in addition to the Souvenir Memories of Ireland display, retailers can showcase complementary products such as travel accessories, local delicacies, or guidebooks. By understanding customer preferences and incorporating cross-selling or upselling techniques, businesses can effectively increase the average transaction value and customer satisfaction.

5. Engaging and Interactive Experiences

To leverage the full potential of a Point-of-Sale display, consider incorporating interactive elements that engage customers on a deeper level. For instance, in the Ireland Duty-Free Shop, the display could include an interactive touchscreen allowing visitors to explore different souvenir options, providing them with more information about each item and its significance.

By fostering an engaging shopping experience, businesses can leave a lasting impression, increase customer loyalty, and encourage repeat visits.

Get inspired by these POS display ideas:

The display shows a few different types of minion toys that are for sale. There are a few different minions on the top so that customers can see the minions that are in the box. On the right side of the display are the small boxes of minions that are sitting in a clear container so that one can see the product.


Estee Lauder is making an important statement with their breast cancer awareness POS display. As one of the leading cosmetic companies women love, the brand is raising awareness about breast cancer.


The makeup POS display used by Benefit to promote their “They’re Real Mascara” is a good example. Their strategy is simple yet effective, and you can also use this idea for your own cosmetics promotional campaign.


Patrón Tequila’s POS video display offers a classic and sophisticated aesthetic that complements the brand’s image. The shelf itself is crafted from wood and features a rich brown colour, exuding a sense of elegance and quality.


In Summary

Point of Sale display offers an array of benefits to retailers seeking to enhance their marketing strategies. From increased product visibility to enticing impulse purchases and reinforcing brand identity, these displays serve as valuable tools in capturing customers’ attention and boosting sales.

By strategically leveraging the power of POS displays and incorporating interactive elements, businesses can create memorable and engaging retail experiences. So, whether you’re operating in a duty-free shop or a small boutique, remember that a well-executed Point-of-Sale display can be the key to unlocking increased customer engagement and business success.

Planning to create a new POS design for your marketing? If yes, the ODM group is here to assist you! We help our clients in every step of the process. From designing, manufacturing and shipping. Contact us if you’re interested in making your own custom POS Display units.


POS Display FAQs

What is a Point-of-Sale (POS) display?

A Point-of-Sale display is a marketing tool used in retail stores to showcase products or promotions near the checkout counter or other high-traffic areas. It is designed to attract customer attention and encourage impulse purchases.

How can a Point-of-Sale display benefit retailers?

Point-of-Sale displays provide numerous benefits to retailers. They increase product visibility, attract customer attention, and drive impulse purchases. These displays can also reinforce brand identity and offer targeted marketing opportunities, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

How can businesses leverage Point-of-Sale displays in their marketing strategies?

To leverage Point-of-Sale displays effectively, businesses can align them with their brand identity, using colours, design, and messaging that resonate with their target audience. They can also strategically position products, offer limited-time promotions, or incorporate interactive elements to create engaging and memorable shopping experiences. By doing so, businesses can maximize the impact of their Point-of-Sale displays and boost their marketing efforts.


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