
Innovative POS Ideas: The Secrets to Starbucks’ Latest Holiday Marketing

Being the world’s largest coffeehouse chain, Starbucks has built its reputation and continuously broadened its reach in different countries worldwide. Recently, we have visited one of its branches here in Zhuhai, China. We can’t deny that we’re enchanted by its holiday marketing stunt this year. Starbucks utilised innovative POS ideas to display its promotional branded merchandise and for customers to see the available drink sizes available.

Innovative POS Ideas


Starbucks entered mainland China in January 1999. Its first store opened in China World Trading Building in Beijing. Since then, it started gaining popularity among citizens in the country. Currently, there are more than 5,000 Starbucks stores situated in 200 cities of mainland China.


What’s With the POS?

We’ve already seen several Starbucks on-premise and retail store displays before. We can say that all were impressive and creative. But what should we expect from the largest coffee company in the world?

When we say Starbucks, we expect everything is branded and high-end. Before we delve into more of the brand’s marketing ideas we’ve featured before, let’s give you first the reasons Starbucks levels up its holiday marketing using these two innovative POS ideas.

1. Metal POS Display

When we enter a coffee shop, our first instinct is to head to the counter and check the menu and available drink sizes. The counter area is where the transaction is made between the shop personnel and the customers. Thus, it is a perfect spot to place a brand’s promotional products or display.

Innovative POS Ideas


And that’s what Starbucks exactly did! This metal POS display is placed on the shop counter for customers to spot it quickly. The display becomes more creative because of the Christmas lights accentuated on it. The displayed cups with Christmas-themed designs were also attractive for us.

Moreover, it is a good thing that this POS display is made from metal. The material used is perfect for keeping the display in place.


Points for Improvement:

This display is definitely a good idea; however, there are some ways we think that can make it even better. They might consider customising the metal casing and add with a perforated logo for better branding.  But overall, this one still appeals to other customers who visit the shop and to us.


2. Cardboard POS Display

We can’t just get enough with Starbucks’ rotating POS display idea. This specific display is made from light cardboard that makes it easy to spin. In addition, it comes in green colour and is customised with a Christmas tree shape that makes it even perfect for the season.


This cardboard counter display idea is absolutely engaging. But aside from the display itself, the Christmas merchandise attached to it makes it even more enjoyable. This branded merchandise includes phone cases and watch straps.

Each side of the display has exceptional items that come with different designs.


Custom POS Display Samples:

We made this project for Loacker. The brand has a licensed character persona – called Mestolo; thus, we made this display to represent their brand. Instead of creating a typical cardboard display unit – we incorporated the character to become the POS Display. This creates better familiarity for consumers with the brand mascot and also attracts the attention of consumers.


Here’s another perfect example of an interactive POS display idea. This Ferris wheel POS display is a fun alternative as a range of items can move around, piquing customers’ curiosity to have a look and pick something out. It can also be loaded with a maximum of 8 items.

It is also very customisable; thus, the brand can modify it with the brand’s colour and logo. The size can also be changed to make it bigger or smaller and carry more or fewer items.


More from Starbucks:

Starbucks is always on point when it comes to coffee shop marketing. For their 20th anniversary, they released these limited-series items for retail.

The branded marketing merchandise comes in royal blue shade, and they are absolutely stunning. Each premium item is customised with a brand logo that makes them more attractive.


We’ve spotted this promotion before in a retail store in Singapore where Starbucks is giving away various clever merchandise to its customers. The promotional merchandise used was indeed practical.

Moreover, the POS display set up inside the store gave an elegant appeal that hooked the interest of most shoppers.


This promotion took place last 2019, during the celebration of the Chinese New Year. Since pig was the animal symbol that year, Starbucks customised its promotional merchandise with this adorable pig character.

Branded Phone Cases Ideas:

If you’re looking for branded merchandise to use in your marketing, like phone cases, you might consider these ideas.

  • This custom cork design is a stylish solution for preventing your phone from getting too many scratches all over the back phone. It’s not only a way to prevent your phone from scratches but also to promote your brand and to gain big attention from smartphone users, which will boost your sale immensely.


  • These intricately designed sustainable phone cases can set your brand apart from the others. These phone cases are available in various adorable and simple designs. Product Code: ODM-2232


  • To keep mobile phones free from damage, expect these compostable phone cases do the job for your customers. Sure we are, most mobile cases that are available in the market today are made from non-biodegradable materials. Thus, these phone cases would make your brand appealing to young consumers. Product Code: ODM-3836

In Conclusion,

Truly, Starbucks never fail to surprise its customers with its amazing marketing ideas. We can say that this innovative POS idea is one of our favourites among the brand’s marketing stunts made. Practical, creative, and innovative, it is something that other brands should consider in their next promotional activity.


Contact ODM

Want to make your winning move in promoting your own beverage brand? Do you need promotional products and different gifts with purchase ideas that can match your brand’s mission? If you’re interested in advertising your business through promotional products, feel free to speak with us!

ODM Group is an expert in providing custom promotional giveaways, marketing merchandise, POS display units and brand packaging designs. We have our creative product designers and dedicated merchandisers to help you out. Aside from this, we also curate brand packaging designs. You may contact ODM today by sending an email, and we’ll be glad to assist you.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What are innovative POS ideas for marketing?

innovative display ideas for marketing are creative and eye-catching ways to showcase your products or services to potential customers. These ideas can range from interactive displays to augmented reality experiences, and they are designed to capture the attention of your target audience and encourage them to engage with your brand.

What are the benefits of using innovative POS ideas for marketing?

The benefits of using innovative display ideas for marketing include increased brand awareness, improved customer engagement, and higher conversion rates. Innovative displays can help your brand stand out in a crowded marketplace and make a lasting impression on potential customers.

How can I create an innovative display for my marketing campaign?

To create an innovative display for your marketing campaign, start by identifying your target audience and understanding their preferences and interests. Then, brainstorm ideas for displays that will capture their attention and engage them with your brand. Consider incorporating technology, interactive elements, and creative design elements to make your display stand out.

How much does it cost to create an innovative display for marketing?

The cost of creating an innovative display for marketing will vary depending on the complexity of the display and the materials and technology used. Some displays can be created with simple materials like cardboard and paper, while others may require more expensive technology like touch screens or virtual reality headsets. It's important to set a budget for your display and work with a team that can help you create an effective display within your budget.


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