What Is Pineapple Vegan Leather? Sustainable Fabric On the Rise

In an increasingly eco-conscious market and the large steps people are taking into environmentally friendly alternatives, industries have seen a large shift in the direction of people’s buying decisions. Leather, one of the premium materials of old age, is one of these affected materials as alternatives like pineapple vegan leather rise to the occasion.

Pineapple Vegan Leather

Genuine leather alternatives can be made from plastic or, the more eco-friendly choice, made from plants. Some of these are corn, apple and pineapple. They can be used the same way genuine leather is used in the fashion industry as clothes, custom design bags, and shoes, and as upholstery and furniture.

However, we’re taking a closer look today at a single type: the pineapple vegan leather.

What Is Pineapple Vegan Leather?

Pineapple vegan leather is a solution created after seeing the environmental effect of leather made from animals. It is a non-woven textile made from the fibres of pineapple leaves, mixed with polylactic acid (PLA) and petroleum-based resins to form a leather-like texture.

It’s available in a wide range of colours and is largely used nowadays in the fashion and design industry.

Bio-based materials have a wide range of applications including textile, product packaging, construction and more. To give you more information and het you more inspired, we prepared the blog below:

The Making of Pineapple Vegan Leather

  • Leaf Harversting

Every 15 months, the pineapple farmers harvest the pineapple fruits and are left with leaves as byproducts. Since they only bore fruit once, they’re discarded and used as composts. For the vegan leather, these leaves are instead harvested as another product.

  • Decortication

Decortication is the process of removing the fibres from pineapple leaves. They first break down the leaves and through a semi-automatic machine, they extract the fibres. After that, the extracted fibres are washed and dry under the sun.

  • Degumming

When the pineapple leaf fibres are dried, they undergo a process of degumming. It is the removal of a sticky substance, pectin, which is the cell adhesive of plants.

  • Meshing

Once the degumming is done, it results in a fluff-like substance. These are processed to form a non-woven mesh which is the base of the pineapple vegan leather.

  • Finishing

This is the final step of mixing PLA and resin on the surface of the material to give it water and abrasion-resistant properties. They are also mixed with colour pigments for a variety of designs to choose from.

Why Should You Make The Vegan Leather Switch?


As stated above, pineapple leaves are harvested after 15 months. This means the resource used to make and meet the demand for pineapple vegan leather products can sustain itself for as long as pineapple farmers plant pineapples and harvest them in a short period of 15 months, in contrast to leather made from animals.

Environmentally Friendly

The process of producing pineapple vegan leather does not need additional land, fertilizer and care since its base, pineapple leaves, are a byproduct of harvesting pineapple fruits. Furthermore, in the process of decortication, the waste of fibre extraction turns into biomass which is a good composite or source of biofuel.

In addition to that, even though pineapple vegan leather is not 100% biodegradable due to the top resin coating, the pineapple fibre base and plant-based PLA are industrial biodegradable.

Market Demand

As information and research findings are becoming more accessible to people through technological advancements, they’re also becoming more conscious of where their spendings go. There is an increasing demand for transparency and green products.

Pineapple vegan leather allows consumers to still enjoy the luxury of leather without the environmental damage genuine leather causes.

Costs Less

Pineapple farms across the globe produce tonnes of leaves. This means it costs significantly less than leather which cost depends on the type of animal and the availability of the leather type.

Socially Responsible

As pineapple farms continue to harvest pineapple leaves as a secondary product to pineapple fruits, they’re given another source of income. It’s a socially responsible action that helps sustain communities around pineapple farms. This is a step into sustainable marketing and economy which consumers prefer nowadays.

For your convenience, check out more leather-related blogs here:

For more plant-based leather and details about why you should switch to bio-based leather, we made a blog dedicated to that for you. Read them here:

Get more insight into the differences between vegan leather and traditional leather as well as your choices for your own leather products. Check all the details here:

In this blog, we visited a Vietnamese leather supplier to know more about the process of making leather promotional products. Read the details below:

If you’re looking for more promotional merchandise you can make from leather, we compiled them in a list in this blog below:

For more leather promotion ideas, check out this branded garment bag! It has all the needed traits of quality, luxury and functionality for a premium corporate gift!

ODM is committed to contributing to a circular economy that allows the next generation to sustain themselves while meeting the marketing demands of today. Check more about our sustainable marketing here:


Pineapple vegan leather is an ideal type of leather alternative with the same properties but without damaging effects on the environment. It’s sustainable and costs less which saves your company production costs and troubles with where to get the material in the long run.

If you’re interested in these pineapple vegan leathers, kindly email us with the product code: ODM-4215 to get a quote today!

Harness Our Creativity!

ODM Group is a promotional product development company founded in 2003. We specialise in the customisation of promotional merchandise and custom acrylic displays. Our expert team of creatives, Mindsparkz, will work with you from product brainstorming to production.

Some of the services we can help you with are manufacturing point-of-sale displays, high-end corporate gifts, gift-with-purchase merchandise, sustainable packaging solutions and trade show merchandise. Contact us today!


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