Giveaway promotional items

In-Store Redemption Gift: Effective Loyalty Program for Restaurants

We have an office based in Zhuhai and recently we received this redemption gift coupon from a local salad bar nearby. They are offering in-store redemption gifts as part of their customer loyalty program. For every 20RMB spent, customers will receive a coupon. Customers can collect these coupons and exchange them with an in-store redemption gift.

In-Store Redemption Gift

Here are some in-store redemption gifts customer can get:

  • 50 Coupons for either a Vacuum Cleaner, BBQ Grill or an Oven

In-Store Redemption Gift

  • 40 Coupons for either a crock-pot, vegetable chopper or an electric toothbrush

In-Store Redemption Gift

  • 30 Coupons for a rice cooker or a blender


In-Store Redemption Gift

  • 25 Coupons for a steamer or a juicer

In-Store Redemption Gift

  • 20 Coupons for a weighing scale or a container set

In-Store Redemption Gift

  • 10 coupons for a casing or a cable

In-Store Redemption Gift

  • 5 coupons for a branded foldable fan

In-Store Redemption Gift

We think that the restaurant’s promotion strategy is smart and will definitely attract lots of customers. Here are some reasons why we think so:


Why an In-Store Redemption Gift for Promotions?

In-Store Redemption Gift

Giveaway Items

Most of their redemption giveaway items are household or kitchen appliances, which are very practical items. Many people will be attracted to this giveaway program as they would want to get the free items. Probably, the most interested people are middle-aged Chinese aunties, who will see these items as an absolute steal.

Furthermore, during the quarantine in China, more people have started to learn to cook their own meals at home and have honed their cooking skills. After the quarantine, they may now prefer to cook at home and may need new kitchen appliances. They may be interested in their restaurant giveaway.


Some kitchen appliances in the giveaway are actually high-end and premium items. This attracts many customers who would want to get these items for free. Having premium redemption rewards also boost the perceived value of the restaurant, making them seem high-end.

“We Miss You” Gifts

In order not to lose customers after quarantine has been lifted, having redemption promo gifts is a great idea to show that they miss their customers. Having them as “We Miss You” Gifts shows that the restaurant still values its customers. Also, it is a good strategy to attract sales and regain losses caused by quarantine.

Drive Impulse Buys

This customer giveaway program will attract lots of customers to participate and buy their products.  Some customers may purchase more to obtain more coupons. Having more buys means more sales.


Customer Loyalty

Having an in-store redemption gift can ensure customer loyalty.  Some customers will continue to buy meals from them in order to get more coupons. Over time, they may also enjoy their food and will come back even if the giveaway has ended.

Suggestions for the In-Store Redemption Gift

Brand Customisation

Only the foldable fan seems to be branded. We think that other products can also be branded as well. Having a custom redemption gifts with branded logo, can help the restaurant boost brand awareness and have finer brand remembrance.


Our Takeaways

Although their business has been affected by the virus outbreak, having in-store redemption gifts is a great promotional strategy to drive more sales and boost their brand awareness. Furthermore, giving away premium giveaway items like kitchen appliances will definitely draw more participants and boost their brand value.


How ODM Can Help

Redemption gifts are a great promotional strategy for brands to drive more sales and heighten brand awareness. Interested in having redemption gifts for your next campaign? Feel free to reach out to us and our team will assist you. We manufacture custom promotional merchandise for brands all around the world. Plus, we offer a broad range of services, specialising in product design and shipping promotional gifts.  Leave the job to us and we will handle all the process for you from brainstorming, to designing, all the way down to sampling and manufacturing.


Not only that, our sister company, Mindsparkz, can assist with designing specialised branded promotional products for you. No task is too complex for our talented and skilled team.


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