Promotional Products

Unveil Your New Collections with Fresh & Classic Visual Merchandising Display

Tiffany & Co is an American multinational luxury jeweller and silverware corporation. Tiffany markets itself as an arbiter of taste and style. You may remember Tiffany for their luxurious and extravagant displays during Christmas or this one in particular below for Mother’s Day. Tiffany & Co has done it again with their visual merchandising display! It immediately caught our attention as we were strolling through a department store. Read more to find out the reasons why we love this promotional retail display.


Get a Closer Look

Tiffany & Co celebrates Mother’s day with their new collection of jewellery made especially for mothers and daughters. The design of Tiffany’s visual merchandising display embodies what the brand represents- elegance and luxury. The signature colours of the brand are used with designs that are contemporary and casual using flowers to decor the Mother’s day display.

Unveil Your New Collections with Fresh & Classic Visual Merchandising Display

What We Love about Tiffany’s Visual Merchandising Display

Design & Packaging

Tiffany’s visual merchandising display encompasses what the brand wants to bring forth to its customers. You can see from the image below that Tiffany used flower displays and a sign that says “Celebrate Mother’s Day.” Flowers are not only feminine and perfect for Mother’s day decorations, it also adds to the appeal of the custom retail display. Visuals and aesthetics of your design and packaging become the first impression a customers walking by get from your brand. And it is also what attracts shoppers to your brand in the saturated beauty industry department store.

Unveil Your New Collections with Fresh & Classic Visual Merchandising Display

Mother’s day centres around celebrating our mom on this special day. One of the ways we celebrate our moms are through gifts! When shopping for gifts, packaging becomes a huge factor when deciding what gift to buy. Beautifully boxed and premium packaging design makes your product go from a good gift to a great one.

Unveil Your New Collections with Fresh & Classic Visual Merchandising Display


Tiffany & Co does a great job in emphasising their brand in their visual merchandising display. Looking at the display, you will immediately think of the multinational luxury jeweller, Tiffany & Co.

Unveil Your New Collections with Fresh & Classic Visual Merchandising Display

What did we learn from this? Customise your branded retail display by using your brand colours, logo and fonts to differentiate your display unique to only your brand. Create a scene and capture customer’s attention!



With an amazing display idea and design in place, where you position your display is crucial too. Tiffany & Co’s visual merchandising display may not be the most extravagant and huge as some of their previous marketing displays but it gets the job done right. Tiffany places their display right along the aisle of the department store, impossible for shoppers to miss when walking by. Strategic positioning of your display and products makes it easy for your customers to see and appreciate your products.

Take another look closer and you can see three stands on the display with descriptions of each product. Being able to display the products on this free standing display is one great way to remind customers of Mother’s day.

Alternatively, your brand can display products beside the store windows. Windows provide a creative and strategic positioning that will turn shoppers heads as they walk past. Window displays are also another popular marketing tactic Tiffany & Co is known for. Retail POS displays and POP counter displays are also great marketing tactics you may want to explore.


To Sum Up

We think its genius that Tiffany & Co was able to make use of a simple yet beautiful display to turn heads in a busy department store. It definitely caught our eye! This display idea is one you can personalise and make into your own just like what Tiffany did. Whatever promotional strategy you choose, it should represent your brand in the best possible and effective way. Check out some alternatives to a visual merchandising display such as  branded FSDUsunique in-store displays, POS displays and counter displays.


Here at ODM, we are glad that we have lots of customized products for this event. From cosmetics to tech products, kitchenware to apparel, our clients can find a diverse range of products that will suit their brand and the mothers they are paying homage to.

Whether you are considering offering bags, cooking items, and sports items, we got you covered!


How can ODM help?

Are you interested in a promotional strategy for your brand? Were you inspired by this particular idea from Tiffany & Co? Then this is the right time to look for a sourcing agency that can help you whip up some cool point of sale display ideas. Luckily, ODM Group can help with just that! Contact us! We’d love to hear from you. Our team is experienced in the promotional products industry working with brands from all over the world to create high-quality custom POS displays and promotional products design to manufacturing.


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