Marketing Incentives: E.Leclerc’s Winning Redemption Promotion Idea

E.Leclerc , one of the top retailers in France, never fails to give its customers compelling reasons to come back and shop with them. In one of its latest in-store promotions , the hypermarket chain offered shoppers the fantastic opportunity to collect a range of premium marketing incentives through its customer loyalty program.

The redemption marketing campaign started on August 17th and concluded on October 30th, 2021. E.Leclerc reserved the offer for its cardholders while motivating standard customers to take advantage of the promotion by getting their own E.Leclerc card.

Marketing Incentives

Marketing Incentives


How Does this Marketing Campaign Work for E.Leclerc?

  • Motivating Customers With Marketing Incentives

Accordingly, a good incentive marketing strategy will persuade a potential customer to take a certain action. This usually entails purchasing services or products from your business. In exchange, they get some type of reward or bonus for taking said action.

For this campaign, the hypermarket chain has tied up its customer loyalty program to a redemption promotion , wherein:

  • Cardholder customers are the only ones who can take advantage of the promotion.
  • Non-cardholders can easily join the program by getting their card at their convenience.
  • Once all is set, members can start collecting stickers by purchasing products worth 10 Є or other partner products.
  • For every purchase, they can earn stickers and choose where they would like to receive them. E.Leclerc provides a physical catalog for customers to easily track their progress, but for those who prefer using their mobile phone, they can download the “My E.Leclerc App” for free. When they go through the checkout or make online payments and on presentation of their E.Leclerc Card, their E.Leclerc stickers will be automatically credited to their Loyalty Card.
  • After gaining the number of stickers required for a redemption reward , they can now collect them from the store!
Marketing Incentives

Marketing Incentives


What are the marketing incentives that E.Leclerc offered for its Loyalty members? Here are some of them:

  • High-quality glass dish
  • blender smoothie
Marketing Incentives

Marketing Incentives


  • Children’s lunch box
  • Water bottle with infuser
  • portable bento lunch box
  • Stainless steel bottle
Marketing Incentives

Marketing Incentives

  • Augmenting Customer Loyalty Program

One excellent way to secure a good connection to your target audiences and retain them is by developing a customer loyalty program . With its purpose of incentivizing their repeat purchases through providing discounts, unique offers and more, you are gaining their loyalty and trust. It also spreads awareness that can pull more prospective customers to your business.

We love this incentive marketing from E.Leclerc because it gives opportunities for non-cardholders to take action. This way, the hypermarket chain is able to increase its loyalty program and invite more customers to join.

Furthermore, E.Leclerc has given straightforward instructions on how to enter the program, which brings us to our next point.


  • Easy Access to the Program

At the back of its promotional leaflet, interested customers are given two options to choose from in getting their E.Leclerc card. The first one is by going to the store, while the next is registering through the retail chain’s website.

You see, it is commendable how E.Leclerc has offered easy access to its customers, allowing them to join the program with no hassle and at their own comfort.


  • Leveraging Simple Yet Effective Advertising Tools

For its in-store marketing , E.Leclerc has undoubtedly produced simple yet effective advertising tools. We believe that these assets are key players in this incentive marketing’s success.

Marketing Incentives


  • Promotional Leaflets – enclose all the important information, customers can easily grab one from the promotion’s custom POS display .


  • Point-of-Sale Display – located at the end cap, this point-of-sale display is definitely easy to spot for customers. It also holds the marketing incentives that the campaign offers.


  • Catalog – for cardholder customers who prefer to track their progress offline. This catalog also gives detailed information about the promotional incentive gifts that are included in the redemption program.

Marketing Incentives



This blog compiles our top picks of branded merchandise ideas that you might love to include in your next incentive marketing campaign. It covers high-end items for kitchenware, glassware and more that are totally valuable and customizable. Check it out!


Bringing It All Together,

Marketing incentives work as they give consumers a final nudge to interact with your business. Someone who’s reading your advertisement on a leaflet or other material is already interested in what you offer. By offering a reward or incentive, you encourage them to take the next step and connect with you.

With the good bond that E.Leclerc has established with its customers through its loyalty program, there’s no wonder why it is the consumers’ favorite retailer in France. It is also commendable how it sustains its relationship with them by stirring excitement through different marketing schemes, such as this redemption marketing campaign.


The Role of ODM

Interested in boosting your customers’ loyalty through marketing incentives? Custom branded merchandise is the best way to go! Let our team help you get to the top of their minds by sourcing and producing suitable branded merchandise incentives for your brand.

The ODM team is continuously updated on the latest branded promotional product ideas in the market. Together with our design agency,  Mindsparkz, we ensure that we are always ahead of the game to guarantee our clients get new and innovative products for their marketing campaigns and promotions. We would love to hear from you!


Get More Redemption Promotion Ideas Below:



For our French readers:

Cook, Store, Take!

Collect the whole range! 

Get a thumbnail 

Every less 10Є of purchase and/or the purchase of a partner product

Everything that matters to you exists at an E.Leclerc price


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