Drinks promotional products

National Beer Day: 3 Reasons to Use a Promotional Beer Holder

If you have yet to invest in a promotional beer holder, you should definitely do so now! Not only is it a handy tool to have around, but it also presents unlimited branding opportunities – great for marketing drinks during National Beer Day.

National Beer Day: 3 Benefits of Using Promotional Beer Holder

National Beer Day is a largely celebrated event that commemorates the legalization of selling and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The celebration falls on the 7th of April in the United States of America, 1st of March in Iceland and 15th of June in the United Kingdom. 

One of the best ways to boost your beer promotion is by using a branded beer merchandise such as a promotional beer holder. Here are 3 reasons to use it:


3 Reasons Why a Promotional Beer Holder Makes a Worthy Investment:

  1. Complements Custom Beer Glass: This promotional beer holder works well with a promo beer glass or beer can. You can easily place the products in the holder when serving customers their drinks. Doing so enhances employees’ efficiency as this allows them to carry 6 cans or glasses of drinks at a time. This is a more effective and efficient way of serving drinks than using a tray because it lends stability. 

    National Beer Day: 3 Benefits of Using Promotional Beer Holder

  2. Attracts More Customers: A promotional beer holder enables employees to serve 6 drinks at a time without it toppling over. Thus, it reduces employees’ trips to the counter to collect drinks. As a result, there is a shorter waiting time which helps improve your service efficiency. Customers might visit your store more often because of your excellent customer service.  
  3. Enhances Brand Awareness:  Whenever customers decide where to shop or eat, 2 types of companies come to mind. Firstly, places that offer a distinct and unique custom branded merchandise or efficient customer service. Secondly, places that offer substandard goods with poor services. You can easily grow your customer base with the former and stunt it with the other. But how can a promotional beer holder help you raise brand awareness?Aside from enhancing customer service, branding each arm with the name of your bar or restaurant can boost venue marketing.

Due to the reasons mentioned above, there is no denying that a promotional beer holder makes a great beer marketing idea. However, to inspire customer loyalty and maximize your store’s potential, you should also consider using the following custom promotional products.


Drinks Promotional Products for Marketing Drinks

  1. Customized Wall Beer Bottle Openers:  Even if you are already using wall beer bottle openers, you should consider using one that is fully customized. Customized in terms of utility and not just aesthetics. For example, you can customize these openers by adding a feature that allows you to collect the beer caps whenever you open a bottle. By doing so, you would not have to collect these caps from all over the place. You could also dispose of them easily. Thus, you should consider investing in a more customized beer bottle opener to add value to your business.
  2. Branded Custom Drink Coaster: Don’t be one of the companies that overlook the true value of custom drink coasters just because of its small size. This is because coasters are often in the customers’ line of view. Customizing them makes them an ideal tool to enhance your brand’s visibility and distinguish your brand from your competitors. For example, apart from customizing the coasters with just your logo and brand message, you could also make them more engaging for consumers. You can let them decorate the coasters with their initials to add a personal touch to the products. The “thrill” of getting a coaster with their initials on it could increase the customers visiting your company.
  3. Unique Store Drinks DisplayYour store drinks display serves as the first point of contact with your customers. It is important that you have a unique store drinks display to entice customers and encourage them to visit your store. By doing so, you could easily increase your revenue and profits as people are more inclined to try your brand. Additionally, you could also grow your consumer base if you offer products and services that are up to their satisfaction.

In a Nutshell,

You should invest in a customized product that enhances your brand aesthetics, branding, and functionality. This helps to increase your brand’s effectiveness and efficiency, which could result in higher revenue and profits. 

So, are you ready to make customized and functional drinks marketing products or for your marketing campaigns? Contact ODM now to learn more about how we can help you out. We have a team of product designers with vast experience in designing promotional merchandise, packaging, and POS display units.

If you’d like to have your own customized promotional bottle holder, don’t forget to contact us to get a quote for product code: 2424!


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