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Promotional Contest Idea: KitKat’s Winning Tet Holiday Marketing

Kitkat’s ongoing TET promotional contest idea reminds Vietnamese of the importance of taking a break and enjoying life after a full hard-working year. Learn more about Kit Kat Vietnam and 8 more Kit Kat marketing campaigns from around the world. Scroll down!

KitKat is the first global chocolate brand to use 100% sustainably sourced cocoa through the Nestlé Cocoa Plan and Rainforest Alliance certification. The brand is well-known for its tagline, “Have a Break, Have a KitKat!

What is the Tết Holiday?

Tet Nguyen Dan holiday is more commonly known by its shortened name Tet. It is the most important and popular holiday and festival in Vietnam. It is the Vietnamese New Year marking the arrival of spring based on the Lunar calendar. The name Tet Nguyen Dan is Sino-Vietnamese for Feast of the First Morning.

Tet falls on January 20 and will last until the 26th. During this occasion, Vietnamese spend quality time with their friends and families, sharing gifts, laughs, and huge meals.

Kitkat’s Promotional Contest in Vietnam

Kitkat surprises its customers with sweet treats for the coming TET holiday. The brand runs an in-store competition where customers can win exclusive and premium items.

Contest rewards include iPhone 14 Pro Max (1st prize-28 winners), Airpod Pro Headphones (2nd prize-40 winners), and mobile phone charge code 100,000 VND (3rd prize-400 winnners).

Shoppers may join the contest upon purchasing Kitkat Greentea 136g-TET and Kitkat 204g-TET. The campaign will run in different stores in Vietnam from December 23, 2022, and will end on January 20, 2023.

On packaging: “Lách Tất Tả Xả Hơi Đón Tết”= Escaping from the bustle, taking a breather, and welcoming Tet.

“Ăn Tết Xanh Xá Hỏi Đơn Lộc Lành” = Enjoying green Tet, taking a breather, and welcoming good fortune.

Each box has a special code at the back of the packaging, which customers will use to join the contest. The code can be used once; however, shoppers can send their entry multiple times, meaning they have to purchase another product to get a new code.

After getting the code, shoppers have to send it via SMS and will then receive a confirmation text from the program’s board.

4 Ways Kitkat’s Promotional Contest Wins Vietnam Shoppers

1. Premium Contest Rewards

Almost everyone nowadays is dreaming of getting iPhone’s latest phone edition, the iPhone 14 Pro Max. With its superb feature and quality, people are encouraged to avail of this gadget.

Moreover, people, especially the young generations are also enchanted by using the AirPod Pro Headset. It produces quality sounds, making the listening experience more enjoyable.

Furthermore, the mobile phone recharge code is also tempting for shoppers.  With that said, who wouldn’t be excited to participate in the competition and win these contest rewards? By simply buying a box of Kitkat’s delectable chocolate, customers can get any of these items for free! That’s indeed a big win for them.

2. Creative Packaging

Without a doubt, Kitkat’s creative packaging designs are very relevant to the occasion. They are very festive and clearly show how most Vietnamese spend their Tet holiday and how they welcome the spring season.

3. Attractive Product Display

Even from afar, customers can easily recognise Kitkat’s promotion. Aside from its packaging, its product display makes it stand out in-store. A cardboard cut-out is accentuated in the display, featuring Kitkat’s product model and the prizes to be won upon joining the promotional contest.

4. Easy Way of Joining the Contest

Of course, people want any transaction to be smooth and fast. And that’s what Kitkat gives to its customers. The brand ensures that shoppers can easily join their contest; thus, it provides all the necessary details they need. They also guarantee that a support team will assist them once they use incorrect codes during the process.

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More of the delightful promotional campaigns from KitKat:

What happens if you use a dynamic duo for a chocolate promotion? You would love to see the results of this GWP promotion from KitKat!

How to design a display stand that will wow customers in-store? Take a look at how Kit Kat nailed it in this blog!

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To Wrap This Up

Needless to say, Kitkat creates a big breakthrough with its Tet marketing strategy. Though it is not the first time they have held such a promotional contest, they still never failed to delight its customers. Tet holiday or not, Kitkat always proves that they are one of the best in its industry.

How Can ODM Help?

Do you also plan to run a promotional contest for your business? If so, let us help you create a remarkable one. We at ODM and our designers from Mindsparkz are here to provide your marketing needs.

We can help you design and produce the contest prizes and promotional tools you need. From merchandise to promotional displays, you can ensure that we can make them possible! Feel free to contact our team today to get a detailed quote!

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