The Power of End Cap Displays: A Retailer’s Secret Weapon

First impressions and strategic placement can make or break a product’s success. This is especially true inside the brick-and-mortar arena. Having said that, end cap displays emerge as a secret weapon for retailers and brands alike.

These unassuming shelving units, typically located at the ends of store aisles, capture shoppers’ attention, drive impulse purchases, and elevate a brand’s visibility in a crowded market.

In this blog, we will discuss these concepts more – their significance and effectiveness in the retail landscape and examples of successful end cap displays we found in retail.

End Cap Displays

What Are End Cap Displays?

End cap displays are fixtures found at the end of a gondola shelf or the ends of an aisle. For instance, the ends of the supermarket aisles.

A great way to maximise storage space, encourage impulse purchases, and make your brand stand out from the crowd! In retail, the products displayed on an end cap display are called a “feature”.

Notably, a typical end cap display consists of three key parts: the top, middle, and bottom – the top part is where you position your signage, which serves as a call to action.

The design and placement of end cap displays are critical because they can significantly impact product visibility and sales. Effective end caps can:

Increase product exposure

By placing products at the end of aisles, they become more visible to shoppers who might not venture down the aisle itself.

Encourage impulse buying

Well-designed end caps can entice customers to make unplanned purchases due to their prominent placement and often attractive pricing or promotions.

Highlight specific products

Retailers can use end caps to draw attention to new products, seasonal goods, or products that are being promoted through special deals.

Enhance the shopping experience

Creative and interactive end caps can make shopping more engaging and enjoyable, improving overall customer satisfaction.

These displays are a dynamic tool in the arsenal of retail marketing, capable of transforming shopping experiences and driving sales.

Benefits of End Cap Displays

End cap displays are much more than just eye-catching fixtures at the end of store aisles. They offer a multitude of advantages for both retailers and brands, making them a vital component of any successful retail strategy. Let’s delve into the key benefits of end cap displays:

  • Command Attention

Found at the end of a long display fixture, an end cap display can help you showcase your products in the most strategic spot of any retail store. This is because your products will not be fighting to stand out from your competitors on the left and right as they usually would on any other shelf in the store.

Undoubtedly, having a space solely dedicated to showcasing your products will help you capture any shopper’s attention.

  • Design Flexibility

These displays can be fashioned into any shape or size! They can give your brand creative leeway to add colours and other complementary elements to the display. Remember that the more captivating your display is, the more attention you draw and the more sales you make.

  • Encourage Impulse Buying

Did you know that impulse buying comprises between 40%-80% of purchases? Moreover, as end cap displays are placed in strategic locations that make your products easy to spot, it is not uncommon to see an increase in in-store sales.

  • Perfect for Seasonal or New Products

End cap displays are an ideal platform for promoting seasonal items, limited-time offers, and new product launches. The limited availability or time sensitivity of these products encourages customers to take action quickly.

  • Boost Brand Awareness

For brands, securing end caps is not just about selling products; it’s also about reinforcing brand identity. The displays allow brands to communicate their values, mission, and messaging effectively.

  • Improve Customer Engagement

    End cap displays offer an opportunity to create a more engaging and enjoyable shopping experience for customers. Shoppers may be drawn to a display that tells a story or presents complementary products.

5 Examples of Effective End Cap Displays

In our exploration of end cap displays, it’s time to shine the spotlight on five prominent brands—Nestle, Eleva Organic, Colgate, Wrigley’s, and X-Men Shampoo—that have harnessed the power of these strategic shelving units to achieve remarkable results.

Each of these brands employs unique strategies to captivate shoppers and drive sales, making them excellent case studies for the potential of end cap displays.

1. Nestle: Savory Delights at Eye Level

Nestle turned heads with their customised end cap displays in a grocery store in the Philippines. We love this store fixture because it is meaningful, eye-catching, and professionally designed. Evidently, their call to action is placed at the top of the display – “Create Your Creamiest Handaan”.

Not only did Nestle create an excellent end cap display, but it also localised their call to action to suit its target market with the use of “Handaan”. Which means “party” or “feast” in Tagalog.

Evidently, localising your message will boost your customer engagement and help you build more meaningful connections with your target audience. All in all growing brand awareness and loyalty.

End Cap Displays

Nestle’s point-of-sale display features a unique shape that is hard to ignore. It resembles a Christmas tree and features a bowl of fruit salad on top of the custom POP display.

Moreover, the products are neatly arranged on the shelves, making the display look even more pleasing to the eyes of customers.

2. Eleva Organic: Eco-Friendly Elegance

The attention to detail is what makes this end cap display so wonderful. Starting with the protruding signage that creates the 3D effect.

Next, the LED lights emphasise the key product information, thus allowing customers to see that the brand has received both EU and Denmark Organic Certifications. Furthermore, the use of faux grass reinforces their image as an organic and safe product.

3. Colgate: A Bright Smile on the End Cap

Colgate, a well-known oral care brand, leverages end caps to promote a range of dental hygiene products. Its custom end cap display is one of the best displays we have seen. The display’s convex shape adds distinct character with the jutting out, making it all the more eye-catching.

This three-tiered display showcases different variants of Colgate toothpaste and mouthwash. Subsequently labelled “Whitening”, “Multiprotection”, and “Sensitive”, respectively, from the lowest to top shelf. Though simple, this design feature effectively guides customers to the products that suit their needs.

4. Wrigley’s Gondola End Cap Display

This display of Wrigley’s flavoured herbal extracts maximizes space by storing many of Wrigley’s products and appeals to shoppers with an added gift with purchase.

The Gondola end display is dedicated to Wrigley’s products- this makes the gum products exclusive to Wrigley’s, which is one way to drive sales.

End Cap Displays

This massive end cap display showcases Wrigley’s products on promotion. Their POS display is simple and custom-made to ensure that the products will not fall off the shelves.

5. X-Men Shampoo: Standing Out in a Crowded Market

It was clever in that it combines entertainment and advertising in one eye-catching display. There is a little ramp on the display with a picture of a race car, which looks as if moving towards the aisle. It was literally “lit.”

End Cap Display Design

Unlike the usual display, this end cap display allows customers to easily find the products. The eye-catching colours and lights will surely pull them in. Likewise, this end cap targets impulse buys because it is well-placed and well-designed.

How to Install End Cap Displays Effectively?

While end cap displays can be a powerful tool for capturing shoppers’ attention and driving sales, their effectiveness largely depends on how they are installed and maintained.

Retailers need to approach the installation process strategically to ensure that these displays maximize their potential. Here are some key factors to consider when installing end cap displays effectively:

1. Choose the Right End Cap Location

Select the location of your end cap displays carefully. They should be positioned in high-traffic areas, such as near entrances or at aisle intersections, to maximize visibility.

2. Cohesive Visual Theme

Maintain a cohesive visual theme that aligns with your brand and the products being showcased. This consistency reinforces brand identity. It is also important to consider updating the display to reflect seasonal changes or promotions, creating a fresh and appealing look.

3. Effective Signage and Product Placement

Use clear and engaging signage that communicates the value or benefits of the products featured on the end cap. Place the most visually appealing or best-selling products at eye level and arrange them in an attractive manner.

4. Rotating Products and Updating Displays

To maintain shopper interest, regularly update the products and themes on your end cap displays. Feature new items or promotions to keep the display fresh.

In addition, plan rotations based on seasons, holidays, or events to keep your store’s appearance dynamic and engaging.

5. Lighting and Highlighting

Ensure proper lighting to highlight the display. Well-illuminated end caps attract attention and make products look more appealing. Use accent lighting or creative display techniques to draw attention to specific products or promotional items.

Get inspired by this retail display ideas from different brands:

Find out how Gillette cuts through the competition with their eye-catching metal POS display:

The unique retail display unit is shaped after the bottle of Sky Cola. We commend this practice as it instantly introduces the product to people the moment they see it.

The end cap is highly visible, and we love how this in-store promotion is placed in this advantageous position. On top of that, we also love how the point-of-sale display incorporates a digital advertising screen that makes it more effective in pulling customers’ attention.

The purple freestanding display unit stood out to us. It was positioned at the end of a gondola so it is really accessible and easy to find.

What we love about this custom POS display is the use of its trademark brand color that really pops amidst a vast selection of kiddie snacks. On top of that, the display looks like a miniature slide, which made it look more interesting.


End cap displays are more than just fixtures in the retail landscape; they are dynamic tools that can transform a shopping experience and boost sales. As the retail landscape continues to evolve, end cap displays remain a crucial asset for retailers looking to stand out from the competition and create a memorable shopping experience for their customers.

By understanding the significance of end cap displays and the strategies for harnessing their potential, retailers can unlock new avenues for growth and success. So, whether you’re a retailer seeking to revitalize your store’s layout or a brand aiming to captivate shoppers, remember that the end cap display is not just a shelf; it’s a gateway to increased sales, stronger brand recognition, and a brighter future in the world of retail.

Work with ODM to boost your marketing strategy with your own end cap displays. A good POS display manufacturer is just what you need! We also perform stringent quality control for marketing gifts to ensure that they are made according to your branding requirements.

For more marketing inspiration, be sure to check out our other blogs.


What are end cap displays?

End cap displays are display fixtures at the end of a gondola shelf or at the ends of an aisle. In the retail world, the products displayed on the end cap are called feature. This is a great way to maximize store space, encourage impulse purchase, and make your brand stand out from the crowd.

What are the benefits of using end cap displays for your business?

End cap displays are often found in strategic spots around the shops. As such, they help enhance the brand’s visibility, drive impulse buys, and ultimately increase sales.

How much does it cost to manufacture end cap displays?

The cost depends on the type of material, size, minimum order quantity, and complexity of the design.

How long does it take to manufature an end cap display?

Lead times may vary depending on the materials, quantity, and complexity of designs. As such, it is important to ask quotations from your prospective POS display manufacturers before starting with your project. This will help you allocate your marketing budget wisely.

How can end caps be more efficient with retail space? 

End caps utilize high-traffic areas effectively, making the most of the available space to promote products and potentially increase sales per square foot.

Can end caps be customized? 

Yes, end caps can be customized to fit the brand’s strategy, including the use of specific colors, themes, and structures. At The ODM Group, we specialize in creating customized solutions for businesses. We’ve got you covered whether you need eye-catching end caps, branded merchandise, or promotional displays. 

How often should end cap displays be changed? 

This can vary, but frequently updating end caps to reflect current promotions, seasons, or trends can keep the shopping experience fresh and engaging.

Do end caps work for all types of products? 

While most products can benefit from end cap placement, those with visual appeal or those that are easily understood at a glance tend to perform better.

Should end caps be interactive? 

Interactive end caps can increase engagement, allowing customers to try products or learn more about them, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

How can end caps influence impulse purchases? 

By placing end caps in strategic locations and featuring compelling products, retailers can encourage customers to make additional unplanned purchases.


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