Top 7 Reasons to Consider Eco Packaging Design for Event Giveaways

Eco packaging design is more critical now than ever before. Not only does it make good business sense from an environmental perspective, but it can also make your product more appealing by communicating specific details about your brand’s commitment to sustainability. Take a look at this brilliant example we found from Lula Mena!

Eco Packaging Design

Eco Packaging Design


With Expo 2020 Dubai currently happening, our team is enthusiastic about seeing what this once-in-a-lifetime event offers to its attendees from different nations all over the world. You might also love to check out this previous blog we have written about the event branding ideas we found in the expo from The Mastercard Cube.


The Mastercard Cube and the El Salvador Pavilion is both located in the Mobility district. You can learn more about it here: Virtual Expo Dubai – Mobility District


One of the things that caught our attention is this eco-packaging for a promotional giveaway item. It may appear small and simple, yet we found this custom packaging idea a significant factor in reinforcing the theme of the El Salvador Pavilion and of course, the commitment of the brand behind it.


About Luna Mena

Lula Mena generates hope and transforms lives by connecting art, design and culture with the reality of vulnerable women in high-risk areas of El Salvador. The company partners with local artisans to produce products that are high quality and beautifully crafted by hand. Its focus on empowering women through work has helped them become self-sufficient and independent as they provide for their families.

Consequently, this commitment creates job opportunities through the design and production of unique, eco-friendly, handmade, innovative, products under the rules of fair trade.


The El Salvador Pavilion

The El Salvador Pavilion in Expo 2020 Dubai is all about creativity and innovation. Both of these things are a big part of the country’s future and its position as an emerging destination for smart manufacturing, technology and entrepreneurship.

The pavilion allows people to learn about the fascinating culture of El Salvador. It also highlights the country’s creative character and showcases its modern development, focusing on the environment, renewable energy, sustainable development, tourism and investment opportunities.


With the theme “Starting from scratch to create a better world”, Lula Mena designed this sustainable packaging concept with social and environmental awareness.

The bracelet has been handcrafted from coffee beans grown in El Salvador farms, providing women communities with job opportunities and adequate income.


What Are the Reasons to Consider Eco Packaging Design for Event Giveaways?

You’ll definitely want to stand out at your next event with unique giveaways. In order to increase brand awareness and make a memorable impression, you’ll need to think outside the box. More specifically, you’ll need to think outside the bag.

Still not sold? Here are five reasons why eco-packaging design is perfect for your event giveaways:

1. It’s better for the environment.

Single-use plastic items are the main culprit behind most of the world’s plastic pollution. This includes everything from water bottles and straws, to grocery bags and disposable cutlery.

Unfortunately, many event giveaways are made of single-use plastic. If your goal is to reduce your event’s waste and its carbon footprint, you should consider eco-packaging as a way to do so.

2. It can be reused or recycled.

Eco-packaging is designed with re-use or recycling in mind. That means the materials used to create it are easily recyclable, or that they can be used again and again until they no longer serve their purpose (for example, a reusable bag).

This reduces the amount of waste created by your event or conference and gives your attendees something useful that will last for years (or decades) to come.


3. Prices are increasing on traditional plastic packaging materials.

Many manufacturers are raising prices on plastics because they have become more expensive due to a lack of supply. As manufacturers try to recover their costs, they will pass those higher prices onto consumers by increasing their own prices as well — which means you’ll end up paying more in the long run if you choose traditional plastic packaging instead of eco-packaging design for your event giveaways.


4. It appeals to younger generations.

Millennials in particular are focused on brands that make positive contributions to society instead of just focusing on profit margins (which is why it’s also important to find a cause marketing partner that aligns with your brand).

In fact, many millennials will actively boycott brands that don’t meet their expectations when it comes to social responsibility. Eco packaging shows you care about the future of our planet—and millennials care about that too!


5. It promotes your brand.

The event will be an opportunity for you to showcase your brand to potential clients and customers. Whether it be the colour scheme, logos, or fonts on the packaging, they can all be used to promote your brand and get people talking about your company.

The more creative you are with the packaging design, the more likely it is that people will remember it and talk about it in the future. There’s no reason why you can’t have fun with it!


6. Great marketing value.

Another reason why eco-friendly packaging makes a great giveaway is its marketing potential. If you run an organic food business or provide environmentally friendly services, adding green packaging would be an excellent additional marketing tool for your business.

As companies strive for more sustainable practices, it’s important to evaluate your gift packaging and make sure it aligns with your company’s goals. If you’re looking for new ways to boost your brand awareness and reach new audiences, eco-packaging design is a great way to do so.


7. It’s great for advertising.

Since more people are becoming more conscious of environmental issues, the demand for eco-friendly products and packaging has increased rapidly. By incorporating sustainable materials in your event giveaways, your branding will stand out from the crowd, which could lead to increased sales and brand awareness.


Looking for other options of eco-packaging design that you can utilise for your event giveaways? If you are planning to give out small event merchandise just like Lula Mena, then the following will be perfect for you!
Kraft Containers

Kraft paper is a brilliant alternative to plastic packaging as it can be made from recycled materials. Apart from being ideal for food, cosmetics, pet food, tea, and condiments — kraft containers can be excellent packaging for small trade fair souvenirs too!

Eco Packaging Design


Metal Tin Packaging

With its own charm and promising structure, there is no doubt why metal tin packaging is getting popular these days. Check out how this adorable custom metal tin packaging idea is ideal for chocolates, cookies, tea, cosmetics, jewellery, and a whole lot more!

Eco Packaging Design


Custom Poly Mailers

Holographic packaging is definitely one of the smartest packaging solutions ever achieved. Have you ever thought that they can be made out of cornstarch? Learn more about our eco-friendly custom poly mailers by tapping the image below!

Eco Packaging Design


To Conclude,

When you’re trying to get the attention of your target audience, you need a few tricks up your sleeve. You need something that will make your brand stand out from the crowd and have a positive impact on everyone who receives it.

Eco-packaging is a great way to build customer loyalty. Customers often have negative opinions of companies that don’t take steps towards reducing their environmental impact, so creating custom branded products that are environmentally conscious can boost customer loyalty as well as corporate image.


How ODM Can Help?

If you are interested in sourcing new promotional packaging solutions, get in touch with our team. We will always be more than happy to assist you with all things promotional!

The ODM  team has been helping business owners, retailers, and manufacturers develop unique and customizable eco-friendly packaging ideas and marketing gifts for years now. From eco-friendly corporate gifts to eco-friendly packaging concepts, and biodegradable products, we can help you out!

Our dedicated team of superb POS designers, Mindsparkz, is also here to help you create the best eco-friendly packaging design for you!

You can also visit the page below to learn more about our sustainable marketing:


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