9 Special Events Plus Promotional Gifts for June Your Brand Can’t Miss!

June is an eventful month that holds significance for many, with numerous occasions worth commemorating. With that said, we bet you can’t afford to waste your time and effort with stale marketing campaigns! So how about preparing your promotional gifts for June as early as now?

In this blog, we will discuss the top 9 special events for the month of June, along with innovative product ideas to celebrate them. So, let’s get started!

Promotional Gifts for June

Events You Should Look Out For Plus June Promo Gift Ideas

Every month presents unique opportunities that businesses should never overlook. These occasions provide the perfect chance to expand their reach, connect with their target audience, and seize new possibilities. Here are the upcoming month’s noteworthy dates to keep an eye on!

June 1

National Children’s Day

While Universal Children’s Day takes place on November 20, China and several other countries observe National Children’s Day each year on June 1. In June 1856, Reverend Dr. Charles Leonshouldn’tstor of a church in the United States introduced a day of celebration that he initially called ‘Rose Day.’

Over time, this particular day evolved and acquired different names, such as ‘Flower Sunday’, until it ultimately became known as ‘Children’s Day.’

And as an important demographic, marketers shouldn’t let this event pass without planning campaigns dedicated to these young consumers. Here are promotional gifts for children your business needs.

June 3

World Bicycle Day

There’s an unparalleled thrill that accompanies riding a bicycle. And World Bicycle Day recognizes this, as well as the bicycle’s remarkable endurance and lasting impact.

As a simple and eco-friendly mode of transportation, cycling revitalizes both our physical and mental well-being, while also benefiting the economy and the environment.

And  for businesses to celebrate this day, here are some useful items for every bike enthusiast.

June 5

World Environment Day

World Environment Day, organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), takes place every year on June 5th. Since its inception in 1973, it has become the largest worldwide platform for raising public awareness about environmental issues.

Celebrated by millions of people around the globe, this event serves as a significant opportunity to engage individuals in discussions and actions that promote a sustainable and healthy planet.

As a business, participating and taking action on this call doesn’t just help uphold your brand’s value but also helps improve the quality of life. If you plan and hold a meaningful marketing campaign during this event, you might consider adding these sustainable product ideas.

June 14

National Bourbon Day

Each year, National Bourbon Day celebrates bourbon whiskey as a truly American spirit. As the hallmark beverage of the nation, bourbon can only be produced in the United States, making it a strong symbol of American culture.

There is no right or wrong way to celebrate National Bourbon Day, so long as you are having fun and staying safe. To give your clients and customers exceptional drinking experience, here are some essential you can offer.

June 18

International Picnic Day

This celebration is commemorated every 18th of June. The purpose of this day is to inspire individuals to connect with others, enjoy the outdoors, and indulge in a satisfying meal surrounded by nature.

Throughout history, humans have been dining outside in nature for centuries. In earlier times, people would often go on picnics as a means of escaping their daily routines.

Therefore, as part of your marketing during the event, how about including these ideas to your list of promotional ideas?

June 21

International Yoga Day

Observed on June 21, International Yoga Day honours the physical and spiritual benefits that yoga has introduced to the global community. While it serves as a crucial form of exercise and healthy activity, millions participate and engage in yoga practices daily.

If you consider joining and celebrating this event, here are yoga essentials you might consider giving your employees or clients.

June 27

National Sunglasses Day

Who doesn’t love a stylish pair of sunglasses? So why not grab your favourite shades and make a statement at the pool, beach, or while strolling down the street? Don’t forget to wear your sunglasses and join National Sunglasses Day’s festivities on June 27th!

Here are sunglasses designs you might consider for your promotional and celebration.

June 30

National Cream Tea Day

Cream Tea Day is a British celebration that commemorates the tradition and history of enjoying tea with scones filled with clotted cream and jam. On this occasion, enthusiasts can exchange tales of folklore, customs, and their unique interpretations of cream tea.

To celebrate this day, here are some tea essentials you can add to your marketing campaign.


There are indeed a lot of opportunities that await every business in the month of June. Each celebration offers companies the opportunity to showcase their brands and products.

If done and utilise well, these events can help open up more doors and close more deals in the next coming months. If you plan to use these items above as part of your marketing campaigns, feel free to contact our team and get a detailed quote.

ODM has been in the marketing and sourcing industry since 2003. Therefore, rest assured that our two decades of experience help us master our craft.


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