Bar Marketing Ideas: Roll Up Your Promotion with Branded Ashtrays!

If you’ve been looking for the perfect promotional item for your bar, look no further! Branded ashtrays are the ideal tool for getting your business in front of potential customers. They are useful, fun, and there are even options out there to brand them with your logo and information. Let’s look at why they work and how to make the most of them through this blog!

Branded Ashtrays

Branded Ashtrays


Cigarette brands have been using ashtrays as their marketing tool for a long time. Over the years, other businesses also tried to adapt and utilize branded ashtray in their promotion. Bars, pubs, hotels, and casinos are some of these businesses.


How to Roll Up Your Bar Promotion with Branded Ashtrays?

  • Customize the Item

    Let your custom ashtrays speak for your brand! Modifying the design of these ashtrays will make you more popular with your customers. The products are a perfect canvas to put on your logo. Aside from that, you can also customize the products’ design, colours, and shape.

    Here are some examples of customized ashtrays. Each item has a unique design that makes each of them stand out.

    Branded Ashtrays

    Branded Ashtrays


    There’s no denying that customization is expensive to deal with by businesses. It requires ample time and money; however, it still depends on the product and the quantity. You just need to be wise and practical in choosing the factory you will work with.

    With today’s fast-growing technology, you can now customize your promotional items in just a few minutes. This modern and portable printing pen is all that you need. This versatile tool is perfect for plastics, papers, textiles, glasses, metals, woods, ceramics, leather, and skin.



  • Consider Cross-Selling and Brand Collaboration

    Using ashtrays for promotion also offers a lot of opportunities for your brand. They could be used for cross-selling and possible brand collaboration. Instead of providing drinks to your customers, you can also consider offering cigarette products to them.

    Furthermore, brand collaboration or co-branding is another thing you might consider when you want to gear up your promotion. It could be a collaboration between you and a cigarette or a drink brand. It can help both businesses reach a wider audience and strengthen brands.


  • Offer Ashtrays as Contest/ Event Giveaways

    Have you ever tried running a bar competition or contest during drinks holidays or your bar anniversary? If not, you can start this campaign in your next marketing activity.

    Branded Ashtrays

    Branded Ashtrays


    Aside from the usual promotional event giveaways you know, you can also consider branded ashtrays if you want to break the norm. Always make sure you have customized them with your brand logo or name. Doing so will help you promote your business and further your brand awareness.


  • Make them Multifunctional

    Ashtrays are an essential tool when smoking joints, cigarettes, or cigars. You don’t want to your customers mess your place with their cigarette ashes right? Thus, making ashcan accessible to your clients would make things easier for both of you.

    But aside from serving their purpose as ashes bins, you can take advantage of their usage. When designing your own branded ashtrays, you can make them multifunctional. For example, how about customizing the shape of these products to serve as bar decorations as well?

    Branded Ashtrays

    Branded Ashtrays


    Take a look at this Marlboro motorsport ashtray. More than just an ash bin, this ashtray is also a perfect decoration for homes. Moreover, this is also a great item for collectors and sports enthusiasts.


    If you want to create your own bespoke ashtray ideas, you can leave the job to our team of experienced product designers from Mindsparkz.

    Puffing cigarettes in public and enclosed places is definitely illegal in some states and cities worldwide. However, certain areas in particular countries allow smoking cigarettes in bars, pubs, and other open spaces.

    For instance, in Germany, there are places were selling and promoting cigarettes is still allowed. Here’s an article we’ve written before about Camel cigarette promotion.




Aside from branded ashtrays, rolling trays are also popular when it comes to the Tobacco industry. Rolling trays are convenient tools that provide a sanitary place to roll and grind up herbs. What’s greater is that they also help you keep your area tidy and assist in easy cleanup.


Looking for a clever yet useful business giveaway idea for your clients and customers? Why not consider getting cigarette holder rings? This branded merchandise idea is highly customizable and comes in different vibrant colours, your target audience will surely love it!


Lighters are totally one of the handiest tools that we can always have in our pockets. They are extremely beneficial and popular, especially for outdoor promotions and marketing Tobacco products. Learn how you can fuel up your marketing success with these seven tips we listed for you!


If your main target market is tobacco and cannabis users, then this modern smoking pipe is an excellent new product to introduce to your customers. Learn more about this fantastic custom branded merchandise through this blog:


This blog compiles the top 10 LED promotional ideas for bars we have featured in the past years. Make sure to check them out!


In Conclusion,

Whether you are new in the market or have an already established name, you have to make sure that always stand out from the others. Providing exceptional customer service and products can keep your clients coming, but if you really want your brand embarked a name in your place and in the industry, always try to innovate and be creative in whatever marketing activity you are planning to execute.

If you think these branded ashtrays can help you to roll up your bar promotion in the coming years, do not hesitate to send us an email and use the product code: ODM-1996 for a quotation.


Contact ODM

The ODM team has been in the sourcing industry since 2003. We have worked with so many global brands, providing them with exceptional customized promotional giveaways, unique brand packaging designs, and marketing gifts, high-quality POS display units, and gift with purchase merchandise.

We always work hard to provide our clients with top-notch promotional goods and marketing tools. From concept to market, our team is here to help you out. Let’s help you turn your ideas to life!

Here are other promotional merchandise ideas that might interest you.


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