Categories: Promotional Products

4 Ways Miniature Vehicle Collectibles Make Consumers Big Purchasers

From fast-food chains to tourist attractions, miniature collectables are part of the experience for people. They get attached to this merchandise due to the emotion and good experience they associate with it. Star Ferry, a ferry service in Hong Kong, made use of miniature vehicle collectibles to let consumers bring the experience with them back home.

The display of these miniature vehicle collectibles caught our team’s attention in Hong Kong. Star Ferry is a free service operator and tourist attraction in Hong Kong. The fleet of 12 ferry carries over passengers daily and provides a scenic experience. To remain relevant, the company offered miniature vehicle collectibles to its passengers.

4 Ways Miniature Vehicle Collectibles Make Consumers Big Purchasers

1. Collectables come in a variety of mini replicas.

The miniature vehicle colletibles come in a variety of vehicles. From air, land and sea transport vehicles to more specific miniatures such as pick-up trucks and golf carts, the miniature vehicle collectibles offer collectors more items to get.

Moreover, since it has more than one type of vehicle to collect, there’s a sense of pride and satisfaction once collectors managed to get all of them. Not just boosting the brand reputation of the business, but also the morale of the collectors.

Looking for more ideas on what type of vehicles you can use in your next collectible line? Check out our samples and collectible toy advantages in this blog below:

2. It can have more than one line to collect.

While the miniature vehicle colletibles are very noticeable, when we took a closer look, we saw even smaller replicas attached as a promotional keychain. Since it comes in various designs as well, it can also be a collectible.

This works well because the business presents two ways to stay relevant: one on display and one to always be with their customers.

3. Miniature vehicle collectibles can represent emotions.

Since Star Ferry carries passengers from harbours and in between islands, these miniature vehicle collectibles can be associated with the experience and make them reminisce about the precious time they had.

This attachment lets your brand be present whenever they get reminded of the good experiences. Resulting in an increase in brand retention and awareness.

Miniatures are the perfect merchandise to evoke emotions and deliver a story to your consumers. Check out more of its advantage in this blog:

4. The collectables are hard to miss.

The miniature vehicle collectibles are exhibited in a museum display unit. The display unit has focused lights that show emphasis on the promotional merchandise inside.

Additionally, the colours of the textile used as a background for the collectibles complements it well. Once people pass by the area, it was hard to miss the display and even more harder not to look closer.

More Miniature Vehicle Collectibles Ideas:

Miniature vehicle collectibles have been prevalent in this industry for the branding opportunities they can open up for businesses. Check here some brands that leveraged this promotion and pick up ways to execute yours.

Toy trucks are very customizable and offer a large space for branding. Even its packaging gives so much way for your company logo! But RC put a spin on its toy truck through remote control. Read more below:

On the other hand, Milo, a beverage brand under the Nestle group, evoked nostalgia by featuring some of its old and new vans as miniature vehicle collectible.

Check out Darty’s custom toy truck as promotional merchandise on their anniversary and the ways miniature vehicle collectibles can be marketed to its target audience.

This Twinnings promotional gift is a retro Ford Model T delivery van. This gift with purchase incentives consumers and compels them to buy more of the business’s products. Read all details below:

Heineken offered 4 designs and variations of the good old truck as a gift with purchase. The renowned company certainly knows how to capture its consumer’s attention by employing a POS display as well.

In general,

Miniature vehicle collectibles are merchandise that people will no doubt try to collect once they purchase one. Aside from that, due to the variety in merchandise lines that the business released, it managed to open up opportunities for free marketing whenever people use the keychains and display their branded collectibles.

ODM Is Here To Help!

We, ODM, have an intensive experience in the industry of producing promotional merchandise. We have decades of work for your reference. Aside from that, we also have an in-house group of creatives, Mindsparkz.

You can be sure your vision will turn into reality because we will work closely with you through the process. From brainstorming to product sourcing and production. Furthermore, if you want a miniature collectible, ODM can help make it using any material you prefer to use. From metals to plastic and other materials.

Additionally, we also offer an array of services that range from gift with purchase and work from home kits to POS displays and free-standing display units. Contact us today and take a closer step toward the promotional marketing your brand needs.

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