Milka Lures Shoppers With Indulging Retail Marketing Displays

Airport shopping has become more popular over the years as the industry has expanded its retail offerings to include more than just duty-free items. As we travel, one of the activities we enjoy the most is looking around airport shops and seeing attractive promotions and exciting marketing ideas. Here’s a fantastic example from Milka and its retail marketing displays!

Retail Marketing Displays

When someone mentions Milka, what comes to your mind? Is it happiness? Tenderness? Your love for chocolates or the purple cow with a bell around her neck? Well, that’s exactly what Milka wants you to think about their brand.

A brand of chocolate that originated from Switzerland— Milka, has been manufactured internationally by the US confectionery company Mondelēz International.

The brand’s symbol is a purple cow named Lila, which has a bell around her neck. On the other hand, Milka’s trademark colour, Lilac, aims to capture the day’s spirit. Moreover, the chocolate brand has focused on “tenderness” being its primary advertising theme since the ’60s.

Why Retail Marketing Displays are Important?

Retail marketing consists of promoting awareness and curiosity in the market to generate revenue. Undoubtedly, there are a lot of retail marketing strategies that merchandisers can use to push their brand name to the forefront. Through using powerful marketing tools, they can grow their brand and expand their communication with their customers.

Retail POS displays are just one of these powerful marketing tools that can cater to your marketing needs. Customizing them according to your brand marketing campaign can definitely help you elevate your strategy.

A Closer Look at Milka’s Retail Marketing Displays

We have spotted this eye-catching POS product display inside the airport of Sharjah, a city in the United Arab Emirates. The POS display features Lila, the brand’s mascot.

The moment we set our eyes upon this retail chocolate display stand, we fell in love with it right away. We certainly find this display amusing. Shoppers literally stop to check out this indulging retail marketing display. Here are the reasons why:

1. It Perfectly Exhibits Milka’s Branding

With a broad range of products and flavours, Milka is one of the most successful brands in the confectionery industry. The brand is continuously boosting its presence whether online or in-store.

From Lila, the purple cow to the trademark colours and logo of Milka— all of these elements are present in this POS display.

Shoppers and passersby can recognize right away that this POS display idea belongs to Milka.

Seeing it will certainly remind them that this mouthwatering chocolate exists.

2. The Subtle Colour is Refreshing to the Eyes

Imagine sitting down for hours during your flight and killing time by watching movies.

Your eyes might probably get tired, and you would like to roam around for refreshers.

This chocolate POS display is an entertaining sight. The delicate brand colour of Milka reinforces its “tenderness” to the consumers.

Not only is the colour refreshing, but head-turning as well. Where can you find a purple cow? It is something that tickles our imagination, which is why it is remarkable.

3. It Offers Easy Access to Shoppers

Customers like to be able to pick up the product and examine it before making a decision. The more they can touch and feel, the more likely they are to buy.

This point-of-sale display allows easy access to the shoppers, so they can freely touch the promotional products on offer.

They can check out the items anytime they want. It is a perfect way to entice them and make a positive purchase decision.

In addition, this type of retail display can accommodate a lot of Milka’s chocolate bars. Merchandisers can check and replenish the display effortlessly.

4. A Great Combination of 3 Marketing Tools

First, the display rack definitely acts as a massive invitation for shoppers to check out. It is the main tool that the brand can use to attract the attention of the market.

Secondly, the buckets where customers can easily grab chocolate bars. They completed the barnyard look that the brand is going for.

Lastly, Milka’s GWP promotion— Lila’s promotional pouch. Apart from the indulging experience that Milka’s chocolate bars offer, it also provides a useful branded purse.

Retail Marketing Displays
Retail Marketing Displays

Here is a similar display done by Milka in the past. Our team spotted this custom POS display at Dubai airport and there is no difference between the two displays.

And with our recent trip to Dubai, we again encounter this familiar in-store product display from the brand.

Retail Marketing Displays
Retail Marketing Displays

Is it a good thing? Well, two things.

The positive: it can help reinforce recall. The negative: people tend to overlook that which is familiar to them. So there is that risk. So it is good to switch things up from time to time.

Here is another example. This one was spotted in China. This end cap display features a 5-tier shelf and the head of their mascot. We also love the use of fake grass as it made the whole ensemble come to life.

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Wrapping It Up,

Milka boosted its product promotion with its remarkable retail marketing display and branded gift pouch. The marketing tools the brand used in this brand campaign set them apart from its competitors. Ready to make your brand stand out and lure shoppers too? We can totally help you with that!

ODM designs, sources, and manufactures customized POP displays, branded promotional gifts, as well promotion giveaways and product packaging.

Not sure what exactly you are looking for? Don’t worry; we got you covered! We also offer product brainstorming sessions and a range of custom promotional merchandise perfect for your brand!

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your brand with your marketing needs!

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