Categories: Promotional Products

Visual Retail Merchandising: Attracting Customers With Strong Brand Presence

Have you ever experienced stopping on track because of a unique retail display you spotted in-store? How about seeing a window display that made you think about buying something you had never considered before? These are examples of visual retail merchandising. What makes it a powerful tool for brands and retailers? Let’s find out more in this blog!

Visual retail merchandising is the art of creating a customer experience that is driven by visual elements. It is a powerful tool for retailers, as it can be used to create an emotional connection between customers and products.

It is about making your in-store environment more attractive, engaging and memorable for customers. It also helps you to increase customer satisfaction, which in turn leads to increased sales.

Chill Every Minute With Strongbow

It’s all about the details.

When you’re a brand that’s been around for over 50 years, people expect a certain level of quality. And when it comes to marketing, Strongbow is no exception.

Strongbow is a premium, world’s leading cider brand, produced by H. P. Bulmer and now acquired by Heineken. It’s got an amazing taste that’s never too sweet or too sharp, and it’s refreshingly crisp too.

Recently, we spotted this exquisite Strongbow visual merchandising display at CoopMart in Vietnam, and we just couldn’t help but take a picture.

Why do we love this visual merchandising display from Strongbow?

It combines different visual merchandising elements that work together to create a beautiful and engaging design in the middle of a busy supermarket aisle.

This creative merchandise display really brought the brand to life in such a simple way — with colour, texture and warmth.

It’s not just about putting the product in front of the customer and hoping they’ll buy it.

The first thing that catches your eye is the colour palette. It’s bold, bright and fun.

The vibrant colour scheme is also perfect for summer, which is when most of us are likely to buy cider!

Strongbow’s logo is instantly recognisable to consumers, helping them identify the product as part of their existing drinking habits.

The image of fruit also reinforces this idea of a quality drink, while also alluding to one of its main ingredients — apples.

The props themselves are also really clever – from the accent tree to the apple cutouts, there’s so much detail in each one that it makes you want to check them out for yourself.

There are lots of subtle touches here that help make this store display marketing stand out from other brands’ visuals. It not only makes Strongbow look fun and appealing but also helps shoppers quickly and easily find what they want.

Top 4 Principles of Visual Retail Merchandising

Visual merchandising is an extension of in-store marketing, and its main objective is to influence purchasing decisions by using the power of sight. Visual retail merchandisers are responsible for creating a visual experience that attracts and retains customers.

1. Plan With Consumers On Mind

To achieve maximum results from your visual retail merchandising, you need to plan your displays with consumers in mind.

The most important thing to remember when planning your visual merchandising displays is that you are not just selling products, but also creating an emotional connection with the customer.

Consumer psychology has shown that people are more likely to buy things they see on display because they associate them with positive emotions.

They also want their shopping experience to be as pleasant as possible so there will find a reason to come back.

2. Create a Focal Point

When there’s no clear place to focus in a shop, customers feel confused and unsure of where to go next.

A focal point is a key item that stands out in a retail environment and draws shoppers’ attention.

In visual merchandising, the placement of this item can be used to draw attention to other products or services.

Creating a focal point helps guide people through your space by giving them something to look at. This makes it easier for them to find what they’re looking for because they know where to start looking!

3. Build A Cohesive Brand Identity.

When you’re trying to stand out from the competition, it’s essential to have a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.

A coherent brand identity is created when the visual elements of a brand or store are consistent with the overall brand strategy and values.

Visual retail merchandising is a practice that can help your brand achieve that in-store.

The majority of consumers are visual learners, which means they are more likely to remember something that stands out from the crowd rather than information that is presented in a bland manner.

4. Keep Displays Tidy and Well-Stocked

A tidy, well-stocked visual merchandising display is a great way to draw customers in and create an inviting atmosphere.

A messy store can be off-putting, but a well-stocked display will make you look like you’re always ready to serve.

If everything looks good at first glance, then they’ll feel confident about buying something from your store – which means more sales!

A cluttered visual merchandising display can cause confusion among guests who aren’t sure where certain items are located or how to get them without asking someone else.

Visual merchandising is a powerful tool for building a strong brand presence. A well-executed visual merchandising strategy can help establish your brand as an expert in the industry, create memorable experiences for customers and drive sales.

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To Conclude,

Visual merchandising is the way we present our products, services and overall brand image to customers. When done correctly, it can increase sales, generate positive word-of-mouth and boost customer loyalty.

It is the first and most important step in the process of converting a customer. It has to be done right, or you run the risk of losing them before they even get to know you.

Why Connect With ODM?

The ODM Group helps brands and retailers create visual merchandising that drives sales. We can manufacture eye-catching displays that make your products stand out in the retail environment. We have expertise in all aspects of visual merchandising including point-of-purchase displays, promotional mascots, bottle glorifiers and more!

Whether you need temporary or permanent solutions, our team of merchandising specialists and POS designers can help you with everything from concept development to full execution on time and on budget.

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