5 Secrets To A Retail Promotion Mechanics That Drive Sales Up!

There are a lot of promotions going on every day that consumers are either bombarded with or won’t pay much attention to them. While promotional products are a huge factor for consumers to join, the degree of difficulty of the retail promotion mechanics is what converts consumers to spenders.

Retail Promotion Mechanics

So, you want your retail promotion mechanics easy for your target market but challenging enough to make them come back and spend more. We’ll check out this V Energy Drink’s retail promotion mechanics our team saw in one of the convenience stores in New Zealand and take notes of what made them win over consumers.

V Energy Drink’s Retail Promotion Mechanics

V Energy Drink is one of the most popular drinks in Australia and New Zealand. It is recognized for its iconic green can that consumers can instantly distinguish in stores. It has a combination of coffee, guarana and vitamins to give the people the boost they need to conquer the day.

Consequently, in this promotion, the brand boosted its sales through scratch-off promotion. The consumers are urged to buy two bottles of any V Energy Drink range in any of the participating stores and receive a scratch card at the counter for a chance to win a windscreen shade instantly.

There is a 1 out of 5 secured winners for every store since each of them is given 50 scratch cards and 10 of them are winning cards.

The images above are provided by two of the participating stores, Collingwood Foodcentre and Caltex Richmond, to promote the limited-time promo of the famed beverage.

What Are the Secrets Behind This Retail Promotion Mechanics?

1. There’s a sure winner

Right off the bat, the brand ensured there will be winners in every store. This is a huge motivating factor for people since their chances are higher compared to a nationwide promotion in which they could be taking chances against thousands.

The brand managed to make the promo scale smaller without sacrificing the value of the promotional gift while increasing the appeal of the products, leading to a boost in sales.

2. There’s an instant prize

This is a great sample and is proven by participating stores that consumers can instantly get their windscreen prize. They don’t need to wait or call to ensure they would still be promotional merchandise for them to claim.

Retail Promotion Mechanics

In addition to that, the windscreen shade is extremely functional all the while maximising the exposure of the brand to people walking by the parked cars. It’s free gift with purchase that benefits both the brand and its consumers.

3. Just one more bottle

For the purchase of two bottles in a single receipt, consumers can receive a scratch card. This drives sales since people who would initially buy one bottle only would be tempted to take one more bottle.

Since the brand did not put so much pressure on consumers to buy a lot of its products and instead required just one more can, it’s easy for consumers to get persuaded.

4. Scratch card

Scratch cards are effective when it comes to building excitement and anticipation for your consumers. Moreover, its relatively low cost in production allows the brand to tailor it to their products and people wouldn’t feel a price increase at all.

This thrill and instant gratification without incurring people with added cost or effort make the promotion appealing to join repeatedly.

5. Captivating advertisement

Of course, these easy and appealing retail promotion mechanics wouldn’t be read if the promotional poster is not eye-catching. This is also a huge factor that ensures people would know about the ongoing promo gifts and join.

V Energy Drink even managed to use concise words to deliver the mechanics in a few words which makes it instantly understandable even for people passing by.

This combination of attractive colours and characters on a custom branded sticker outside a retail store with few and direct retail promotion mechanics is what easily reached and converted people from passersby to spenders.

More retail promotions to get inspiration from:

In this promotion, PepsiCo utilised scratch-off promotion to boost sales. Check out our 4 tips you can leverage for your own marketing campaign!

Jameson whiskey maximises its brand exposure through a branded t-shirt customers can win in their scratch off promotion. Read the detail here:

Highlands Coffee put a twist into its promotion by urging consumers to collect and combine various scratch-off cards to redeem its promotional gift.

FedEx gave its customers more options to get their prizes by using two marketing strategies with promotional products people couldn’t pass up. Check out all these details below:

For the festive season, V Energy, the popular energy drink of New Zealand, offered its customers a treat with a “Grab A Free V Keyring” promotion.

For more branded merchandise ideas, ODM worked with known brands in the drinks industry and you can check out our works! Simply tap the image below:

Marketing Gifts for Drinks Industry


Retail promotion mechanics that see a high conversion rate are those that are easy to understand, instantly reward their target market and require no additional effort from consumers. Through this promotion, the energy drink proved why it’s one of the best brands in the country’s beverage industry.

If you’re interested in capturing people’s attention and converting people into big spenders, ODM can assist you! We’re a promotional product development company established in 2003. Our decades in the industry gave us extensive experience in what works and what needs improvement. We have a creative team, Mindsparkz, that will closely work with your brand to make your visions real.

Some of the services we can offer you are designing promotional displays and point-of-sale displays, manufacturing branded corporate gifts, gift with purchase and holiday giveaways as well as providing packaging solutions and eco-friendly merchandise for more sustainable marketing.

Contact us today!

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