Categories: Promotional Products

Prize Draw Promotion: What to Learn from Vikoda Engaging Promo?

Contests are a good indication of the number of people who readily joined and get engaged with your brand. However, there are several factors that would make or break your contest giveaway. To get to know these factors and how you can employ them in your own promotion, let’s take a closer look at Vikoda’s prize draw promotion and how it engaged its consumers.

Vikoda’s Prize Draw Promotion

Vikoda is a drink company in Vietnam and is known as the first natural mineral water in the country. The brand promotes its product as an agent for a balanced body, better hydration and digestion. It has natural alkaline mineral water with a pH of 9.0 which is good for health and the digestive system.

In this promotion, the brand held a prize draw contest that consumers can join simply by buying a bottle of Vikoda water! They can win branded bags, bicycles and a smartwatch!

The brand did not stop with its contest, however, it also employed several other marketing tools such as branded fan and QR code marketing to guide consumers to the free trial of their product and get a solid number of people as their potential market.

What To Learn From Vikoda’s Prize Draw Promotion?

1. Keep the mechanics easy.

Vikoda unburdened its consumers by keeping the mechanics to join the prize draw promotion very easy. They can just buy one and then they will have a chance to win any of the prizes. It’s easy, and fast and does not require people to keep track of anything except the winner announcement.

People love these types of contests because they can do it in any spur-of-the-moment decision, and it will not be a burden later on. It will not take much of their time and they can continue to go have their day. Hence, people joining promos with very easy mechanics such as this one are high.

2. Make the prizes desirable.

In any promotion, the first thing you might want to decide is your target market. What do they want? What would make them join the promo? What would make them want to buy more?

Vikoda’s product is alkaline water and it’s better suited for active people, thus the prizes they used are aligned with that. While it is also appealing to a wider audience, having a target market in mind for your prizes would secure you a guaranteed boost in sales.

3. Put engaging stalls.

Stalls generally represent your brand and an engaging one means people would be more exposed to your brand. This translates into a stronger brand impression that eventually becomes brand trust and sales.

Having a branded stall also gives your brand and products a proper space to meet your target market like Vikoda. They also have salespeople which allowed the brand to approach the consumers more. It would also help the prize draw promotion since more people can be urged to join by the salespeople and the stalls all the while advertising the prizes consumers can win.

4. Support with secondary marketing campaigns.

As mentioned above, easy mechanics means people would be more inclined to join. The next problem is how they would remember the brand after that. Vikoda’s solution is through secondary marketing tools like the branded banner and promotional stall to reinforce branding.

They also give consumers a branded fan, shaped after a water droplet with their brand and product details. This way, people would have something on them to trigger brand recall aside from the branded water bottle.

Aside from that, Vikoda has minigames on their Facebook page which keep their consumers entertained and engaged while waiting for the lucky draw winners. the mini-games range from short question answers to tagging friends on the comment section with just as valuable prizes as their prize draw promotion.

The brand ensured that once their market looks at them, it will be hard to look away both in their out-of-home and online advertisements.

More prize draw promotions and other contest ideas we previously covered to get you inspired:

In this promotion, the food brand, Kellogg used its product packaging to feed children’s imagination and bump up brand engagement. On top of that, they’re giving custom prizes for kids such as branded bowls and rucksacks!

From motorbikes to mobile phones and a trip to Japan, FamilyMart did not shy away from incentivizing its consumers and the market love every bit of it!

Heineken gave all of its consumers the chance to win every prize through a redemption program! They simply have to collect the set number of crown corks and the prizes are theirs. See more of its benefits to your brand in the blog below:

Since Unilever has a fixed market and purpose in mind for its prize draw promotion, the branded merchandise in its contest is tailored to that market and purpose. Read more about it here:

In this promotion, KitKat didn’t just give away 1 of each prize but 28 winners of the first prize, 40 winners of the 2nd prize and 400 winners of the 3rd prize! With this high chance of winning valuable items like iPhone 14 Pro, Airpod Pro and mobile charger, who would pass up the promotion?


The secret to a successful prize draw promotion lies in your mechanics, the prizes and the advertising campaign. Vikoda relied on its face-to-face advertisement from banners to branded fans and stalls with salespeople. They leverage the products their market would love to have and make joining the contest as easy as buying one of their product.

Harness Our Creativity!

If you’re looking to launch a prize draw promotion for your brand that consumers wouldn’t pass up, ODM can assist you!

The ODM Group is a promotional product development company established in 2003. We have decades of experience in the industry that you can harness for your brand’s benefit. From brand experience to promotional merchandise and branded displays that would engage your consumers for a lasting positive impression and strengthen brand loyalty. Our creative team, Mindsparkz, will work closely with you.

Some of the services we could assist you with are manufacturing gift with purchase and corporate giveaway merchandise, designing promotional displays, custom banners and shade advertising tools. We can also provide you with packaging solutions and sustainable marketing options. You can harness all of these as easily as contacting us!

For more benefits of working with us, we listed them here for you!

Prize Draw Promotion FAQs

All you need to know about prize draw promotions!

What is a prize draw promotion?

A prize draw promotion is a marketing technique used by businesses to incentivize customers to make purchases or engage with their brand. Customers are entered into a drawing for a chance to win a prize.

How do prize draw promotions work?

To participate in a prize draw promotion, customers usually need to make a purchase or complete a specific action, such as filling out a survey or following the company on social media. Once entered, customers are randomly selected to win the prize.

What are the benefits of running a prize draw promotion?

Prize draw promotions can help increase brand awareness, drive customer engagement, and encourage purchases. They can also be a fun and exciting way to generate buzz around a new product or service, or to reward existing customers for their loyalty.

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