How to Maximise the Impact of Bottle Neck Hanger Promotions?

Shelf space marketing is a challenging problem that requires brands to get creative in a seemingly saturated and ordinary retail shelf to get people’s attention. One of the many options brands can use is bottle neck hanger promotion which Filippo Berio and MSC Cruise maximised to their full potential. Curious? Let’s get this started!

Filippo Berio x MSC Cruises Bottle Neck Hanger Promotion

Filippo Berio x MSC Cruises Bottle Neck Hanger Promotion

Filippo Berio, an Italian brand of oils widely used in the market, partnered with MSC Cruise, an Italian global cruise line and 3rd largest cruise company in the world, to hold this bottle neck hanger promotion.

Shoppers can win a chance for a cruise ticket for 2 that will last for 7 nights on board the MSC World Europa for a Mediterranean Cruise. The promo runs from December 12, 2022, to June 11, 2023, with a monthly lucky draw.

Consumers simply have to go to the website provided in the bottle neck hanger, provide the unique code indicated in the bottle neck hanger and answer the question, “How many cruise ships are part of the MSC fleet?”

Bottle Neck Hanger Promotion

How Filippo Berio and MSC Cruises Maximised Its Bottle Neck Hanger Promotion?

Bottle Neck Hanger Promotion

1. Promotion Advertisement

In this promotion, as we can see, the bottle neck hanger advertises the brands involved as well as the ongoing promotion.

Simply as is, they managed to communicate to people about the lucky draw and the exciting prizes shoppers can win.

Bottle neck hanger promotions like this are great marketing strategies without needing for more shelf space marketing like shelf talkers and wobblers since they’re already getting the job done.

2. Discount Eligibility

Aside from branding opportunities and promotion advertisement, the bottle tags are also effectively promoting the cruise’ discount.

Since it doesn’t need a lot of space in order to be conveyed, putting this discount eligibility for shoppers on the same tag as the lucky draw promotion is a clever decision that is cost-effective and efficiently reaches a wide market.

3. Unique Codes

Unlike other bottle neck hanger promotions that mainly serve one purpose such as informing the consumers about the promotion and the mechanics of the promotional giveaways, this promotion, however, also contains the unique codes needed to join the competition.

It’s a great thing since more than advertising, it also elevates the value of the bottle tag itself.

4. Instructions

The second most important job of bottle neck hanger promotion like this is to convey the mechanics of the promotions to the consumers.

This has been done with great efficiency in this promotion since they also specifically instructed shoppers to go to the website and view more details in the competition tab.

This allows people to find out the many competitions the brand held which creates a big impact on their minds, later on checking the sites themselves for more competitions they can join and possibly win.

Bottle Neck Hanger Promotion

Bottle neckers are not solely for advertisements of ongoing promotions, they’re also a creative way of incentivising consumers through gift-with-purchase promotions! Find out more about it and get inspiration in the blogs below:

Get more inspiration of bottle neck hanger promotions and uses here:

In this promotion, Villa Maria certainly piqued people’s interest with varying bottle neck designs that both give off a nice light feeling in an open area. Check out their wooden and paper bottle tags here:

Jules Mumm gave away Mini Cabrio, e-scooters, refrigerators, and many more in this promotion that people can read and find out through their bottle necker promotion! Read more here:

Tito’s bottle tag not just promotes its brand, but also shared recipes their consumers would love and a chance for people to win a branded mug! Check out the details here:

Campo Viejo enticed its consumers to live their life to the fullest in alignment with their tagline with their bottle neck hanger promotion! 150 consumers won Avanti Paella Kits for a memorable gathering with their loved ones!

In this promotion, Ballantine’s Finest caught people’s attention for the discount it offers through its bottle neck tag and managed to stand out against its competitors. Read more about it here:

To Conclude,

Filippo Berio and MSC Cruise did not waste any space in their bottle tag promotion. Every bit of it is utilised so consumers can know more about the promotion, and the brands, and find value in the bottle tag itself.

If you’re interested in cost-efficient promotional material and a marketing strategy like this in your next promotion, The ODM Group can assist you! We’re a promotional product company established in 2003 and specialises in the customisation of promotional products and branded displays.

We also have an in-house group of creatives, Mindsparkz, to closely work with you on product brainstorming until production to ensure the quality and satisfaction of your marketing needs.

Some of the services we can assist you with are manufacturing promotional displays for corporate events, trade shows and in-store promotions, designing branded merchandise for purchase with purchase promotions or brand experience events, and providing you with sustainable marketing options. Contact us today!


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